Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stacie watches Once Upon a Time:Darkness on the Edge of Town

Heroes and villians, princes and princesses, darkness and light, and good vs evil have always been the themes of fairytales (and most good stories for that matter).  We all want our "happy ending", sometimes at expense of others.  Some look at their past and think "How could I have let such darkness in? How will I ever find my happy ending in the midst of the struggles? ".  From the moment children start engaging in media or reading books, they look to the princesses or super heroes as a model for what life should be, only to realize that sometimes things don't end with happy ever after.  Our past does not dictate our future, but it does play a role. We may not always get a happy ending, but we always have a once upon a time...

From the day Once Upon a Time began, I knew it would go down in history as being one of those shows that incorporates drama, humor, mystery and intrigue in order to allow the audience to travel to far,off lands and go on seemingly endless adventures.  I don't know why I have never blogged about it before because it's one of my favorites, but I will today.  Of course, I am the queen of T.V. (I fully admit it and have no shame), but for me, this show is different than most.  As a Christian, of course I dont believe in magic, but I do believe in forgiveness, redemption, and unconditional love.  That is what this show brings to my world every Sunday.  So, as in true Stacie blogging fashion, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode

-I have to admit that I have always been a fan of Regina. Even when she was super evil, I was fascinated by her character because I knew that it was full of layers   I love her even more as she is seeking redemption for the things she has done in the past.

-I love the new villains in Storybrooke because I know it will be filled with plot twists.

-The conversation with Hook and Belle was awesome and somewhat unexpected.  They both talk about how they were burned by Rumple and in a sense "blinded by love".

-Rumple, Ursula, and cruella are all at a drive thru which for some reason made me laugh

-At the beginning, everyone seems so happy in Storybrooke, which as we know doesn't last for long.

-I love when Regina and Emma are talking about how hard she's been searching for the author of the book and that maybe she isn't suppose to get a happy ending

-That monster beast guy was crazy big!

-Why were Emma and Regina so stupid as to let the bad guys in!

-I love when Regina is talking to Emma about the color of her car as they are fighting the beast.

-I knew it was Rumple who sent the email that he could translate!

-The ending where they talk about it not being the darkness in Reginas heart but in Emma's frustrated!

That's all I can think to write now, but I would love to hear your thoughts!