Monday, June 29, 2015

The Summer of "A" Stacie binge watches Pretty Little Liars Part #1

Quiz: Which Pretty Little Liar Are You? • The first time I took this quiz, I got Aria! She's my realistic personality. But the 2nd time, I answered with what my heart's true desire is, ......I'm - A!!! I don't question the results at all!

So...I am binge watching Pretty Little Liars (PLL) on Netflix and when I say binge I mean it!  I am halfway through season 3 and I started a week ago.  I don't have to work tomorrow and I was planning on pretty much watching it all day...I might end up watching it all night.  I am crazy and obsessed, but I CAN'T stop watching.  Why do I like this show?  A show that took me forever to start because when I tried watching it a long time ago, I only got through 5 minutes and thought it was boring.  Why did I only watch 5 minutes??  As all of you know, once I start a show I like, that is all that I talk about, but this is different....All day, I have thought about the fact that I couldn't wait to get home and watch PLL.

Now that it is summer, I have the opportunity to watch Netflix and Hulu and I am taking full advantage of it.  All this to say, here are my thoughts on PPL thus far...

-I did not realize that this was going to be a show shrouded by mystery! I love mysteries! This is a crazy mystery that I cannot figure out (unless I catch spoilers on Tumblr) and it is driving me insane!!!  Who is A?  I can usually figure out these things (in fact that people get annoyed that I figure them out).  Every episode puts me on edge and most of the time scares the crap out of me!

-When you watch a show like this, you don't know who to trust...could it be Jenna? Ezra? Wren? or maybe it's Aria, there is so much talk on social media about it being her and many reasons why.  The reasons it could be her are actually quite convincing, but I don't want it to be her...I don't want it to be any of the liars!

-Who are my favorite characters?  I think Spencer is my favorite with Emily coming in a close second.  Just a little fun fact, Spencer is played by Troian Bellisario who just happens to be Donald Bellisario's daughter.  Don't know who he is? He created shows like JAG, Magnum P.I.,  and NCIS.  His step son is Sean Murray who just happens to play a major role on NCIS (and also played Thackery Binx on the much loved movie Hocus Pocus.  Also, Ashley Benson (Hanna) use to be on Days of Our Lives and Holly Marie Combs (Ella) was one of the charmed ones on Charmed.  Chad Lowe (Byron) is Rob Lowe's brother and Hanna's mom Ashley was on Melrose Place.  It is probably a sad fact that I knew the name Bellisario meant she was related to the NCIS guy, that Ashley Benson was on Days, Ashley was on Melrose Place and Holly Marie Combs was on Charmed.  Even if I didn't watch some of those shows, I know the most random things about TV trivia.

-They do a really good job of being really creepy on this show..."A" has such freaky ways of getting to the girls..I just watched an episode with a snake!  And the asylum is just crazy (no pun intended) makes me cringe!

-Can I say again how much I think and analyze so much during each episode that is makes my head hurt!

-I love Caleb! Not only is he extremely attractive, I love how he acts with Hanna.

-I love the music!!

-It reminds me of a mix between Veronica Mars and One Tree Hill (which are 2 more of my favorites). The selection of music is very reminiscent of One Tree Hill.

So, that is all I have for now, but