Friday, July 10, 2015

Stacie and Brigette Take the Ultimate TV Challenge!

Challenge: One friend picks a show for the other friend to watch, a show that they have not really seen before. Each has to watch an entire season of the other's choice, and may be assigned a few key episodes from earlier seasons as well. Both have to keep watching until the assignment is over, even if they don't like it. Afterwards, they discuss it. What did they like and dislike? What surprised them? Will they keep watching? Stuff like that.

Brigette usually watches comedies, and Stacie usually watches dramas. We have very different tastes within those genres as well. So, we picked our shows and made visual aids, because we mean business. And because we don't have lives.

Stacie assigns Brigette: Pretty Little Liars, season 3

Brigette assigns Stacie: Parks and Recreation, season 3.

Stay tuned for the THRILLING results!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Brigette's Top TV Laugh Moments

We all have our favorite TV shows that make us regularly LOL, but have you ever stopped and thought about which scenes made you laugh so hard that you couldn't breathe? That your body contorted? That you were crying from laughing and couldn't see the screen or hear the next line? I have, and here they are, in no particular order: my top TV laugh moments!

1) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air blooper
My earliest TV laugh memory comes from a Fresh Prince special that aired on NBC. I think anyone who's seen this show knows the significance of "Ashley, no!" But the part where Will dances while he cries on his knees was the funniest thing ten-year-old Brigette had ever seen in her short life.

2) Arrested Development, "Prison Break-In"
Tobias is dying from his hair implants, which have grown into a long flowing mane and are literally sucking the life out of him. I died-- of LAUGHTER! (Sorry.)

3) 30 Rock, "Tracy Does Conan"
Tracy goes on an episode of Conan, but he's on weird drugs provided to him by Doctor Spaceman and is off others, so it doesn't go as planned. When I first saw this, the laughter made my back arch in such a way that it was like a demon was being exorcised from my body.

4) Friends, "The One With the Cop"
 I know I don't need to explain this one at all.  PIVOT!

5) Parks and Recreation, "Donna and Joe"
April's outburst at Genuwine is so weird and mean and surprisingly animated that my sister and I rewound and watched it about 12 times*. (*Like, 3.)

6) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "Who Pooped the Bed?" 
Nothing has ever made me laugh as hard or as consistently as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I've already discussed it to an unhealthy degree here and here so I'm just gonna put this clip right here.

7) SNL, "Stefon"
 I'm breaking my single scene rule, but any and every Stefon skit ever on SNL, especially this moment.

Now I want to hear from YOU! What TV laughter experiences really stand out in your brain? Did anything ever make you laugh so hard that you choked on your dinner or woke up your dog? Let me know, and then stay tuned for Stacie's picks, as well as both of our picks for "top cry" moments!