Friday, July 10, 2015

Stacie and Brigette Take the Ultimate TV Challenge!

Challenge: One friend picks a show for the other friend to watch, a show that they have not really seen before. Each has to watch an entire season of the other's choice, and may be assigned a few key episodes from earlier seasons as well. Both have to keep watching until the assignment is over, even if they don't like it. Afterwards, they discuss it. What did they like and dislike? What surprised them? Will they keep watching? Stuff like that.

Brigette usually watches comedies, and Stacie usually watches dramas. We have very different tastes within those genres as well. So, we picked our shows and made visual aids, because we mean business. And because we don't have lives.

Stacie assigns Brigette: Pretty Little Liars, season 3

Brigette assigns Stacie: Parks and Recreation, season 3.

Stay tuned for the THRILLING results!


  1. Oh Boy! PLL--so ridiculous, but so entertaining. Can't wait to hear your thoughts. I can't remember what happened in Season 3, but the fashion choices get progressively worse throughout the series, so you're in for a real treat there :)

    1. Oh fabulous! I'll let you know how it all goes down!
