Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Stacie watches Pretty Little liars "Charlottes Web" And "The Gloves are On"

"Charlotte's Web"

This episode was not my favorite ( I know they are getting into a new groove) and I think it was because when I watch PLL there is always drama surrounding "A", and this is lacking it.  Yes, we have a mystery, but there is none of the suspense of the texts, emails, etc.  I need to get use to this new setting, but here are my thoughts...

Oh girls...don't you know what lying gets you?! Ugh it makes me so frustrated! Hanna erasing the recording at the end makes me want to shake her!

I'm thinking Em might not be sick, but doing stuff for money.

Of course Aria and Ezra were out and about at the time of the murder...nothing new there.

The thing that freaked me out was Allison praying...can we say creepy?!!!!

Most people do not like Spaleb, but I think I kinda dig it... I like them together.

Jordan is ok, but Hanna seems fake happy.

All in all, wasn't my fave episode.

"The Gloves are On"

Yay the old show is back! It is finally feeling like it use to!

I missed the first few minutes, but I loved pretty much everything....here are my likes and dislikes...


-Yay for Lucas being back!  I missed his oddness, and like that he is super successful.  I also love that he came through for Hanna.

-Melissa is back...although she has always kinda annoyed me, I was glad she was back.

-Emily finally is forced to come clean!!! Dropping out of school and donating her eggs...
Theories that proved true.  I loved how Hanna was about it and that in the end Pam was there for her.

-love that Hanna gave Spencer her blessing and that Spence and Caleb got together.


-Ezra being so different. I know he has gone through a lot, but he is so different!

-where was Allison? Weird she wasn't there.

-I can't stand Sara Harvey...she creeps me out and I honestly don't see the point of her.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stacie watches Pretty Little Liars winter premier

As many of you know, I developed a love for all things PLL this past summer.  I waited in anticipation for it to come back with the second half of season 6, and although it was a good episode, it kind of felt like a different show.  The head of PLL (Marlene) had said it would be a lot different, especially since they had created a 5 year time jump, but I guess I wasn't expecting SO much change. I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of change, and so like usual, I will have to adapt.  Here are my thoughts on the episode....

- the jobs they have really speak to their characters personalities with the exception in my opinion of Alison
-Veronica running for senate actually made me happy
-I like the more sophisticated look the girls have
-love that Radley is now a hotel (a little creeped out by it too)
-the fact that Ashley is successful and running "The Radley" is almost better to me than the girls being successful
-that Toby is still his sweet self

-I get why they had Ali be a teacher, but I think it was the wrong move.
-Spencer and Caleb? Really?
-alcoholic Ezra is not my fave (even though his acting is on point)
-the girls lying about how Charlotte deserves to be let out (with Aria being the exception)
-Emily's dad dying (although I knew that from previews)
-them killing off Charlotte
- I still don't like Sara Harvey


I actually have read some interesting theories and feel some may have some merit...
A few people have said they think Hanna and Caleb split up because she was pregnant and lost the baby which I find plausible.

Many think Mona killed Charlotte, which I don't think they would do since Mona has already been the bad guy.

I don't think Em is doing drugs, but that she has an illness.

There have been more twin theories... Not sure how about that.

That's about all I have because I'm tired.  I do love the theories though...they are slightly addicting.