Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stacie watches Pretty Little Liars winter premier

As many of you know, I developed a love for all things PLL this past summer.  I waited in anticipation for it to come back with the second half of season 6, and although it was a good episode, it kind of felt like a different show.  The head of PLL (Marlene) had said it would be a lot different, especially since they had created a 5 year time jump, but I guess I wasn't expecting SO much change. I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of change, and so like usual, I will have to adapt.  Here are my thoughts on the episode....

- the jobs they have really speak to their characters personalities with the exception in my opinion of Alison
-Veronica running for senate actually made me happy
-I like the more sophisticated look the girls have
-love that Radley is now a hotel (a little creeped out by it too)
-the fact that Ashley is successful and running "The Radley" is almost better to me than the girls being successful
-that Toby is still his sweet self

-I get why they had Ali be a teacher, but I think it was the wrong move.
-Spencer and Caleb? Really?
-alcoholic Ezra is not my fave (even though his acting is on point)
-the girls lying about how Charlotte deserves to be let out (with Aria being the exception)
-Emily's dad dying (although I knew that from previews)
-them killing off Charlotte
- I still don't like Sara Harvey


I actually have read some interesting theories and feel some may have some merit...
A few people have said they think Hanna and Caleb split up because she was pregnant and lost the baby which I find plausible.

Many think Mona killed Charlotte, which I don't think they would do since Mona has already been the bad guy.

I don't think Em is doing drugs, but that she has an illness.

There have been more twin theories... Not sure how about that.

That's about all I have because I'm tired.  I do love the theories though...they are slightly addicting.

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