Saturday, August 1, 2015

Stacie watches PLL Part 2

I think I have an obsession with this show.  I probably shouldn't have started watching it in the first place because we all know how I am with shows, once I start to like it, it becomes an addiction.  I am finally caught up which is apparently what happens when you watch 5.5 seasons in a few weeks.  It has become my favorite show (with Castle as a close second) and it very much intrigues me on so many levels. As I stated in a previous post, I like it because it combines so much of my favorite genres in one show.  It is so multi-layered and full of suspense and intrigue.  Now that I am all caught is my part 2 of Pretty Little Liars (PLL) thoughts....

I said in the previous post that my favorite was Spencer, but I am currently thinking that Hanna is my favorite.  She is my favorite for a few reasons, but mostly because she has proved to be such a strong character.  She knows what she wants, she is sarcastic, and even if she doesn't know something, she can overcome it with humor.

I love that Marlene King (Writer/Director/the "boss") really did something with season 6 that I don't see very often (especially an ABC family show) when she made it so that the characters are still recovering from PTSD this late in the season.  Normally, a show will focus on trauma for an episode or 2 and then leave it behind, but since the "Dollhouse" these girls are still reeling from the trauma they endured.  Emily is still going through therapy, Spencer gets high in order to sleep, and they are all still scared all the time.  It is almost episode 9 and they are still dealing with the repercussions of everything that happened to them.

This whole Charles thing is very intriguing to me, and after reading a million theories online, it is hard to tell which is true.  Marlene King has promised things in the past, that did not come to fruition, so people are very hesitant to trust her when she says that we will find out all the answers on August 11th.  Why does the Charles thing intrigue me?  I think it is fascinating that we don't know the whole story, but we are left thinking that he is this horrible person and that he is completely insane.  We think he is the infamous "A" who the liars have been searching for, but I am not convinced that he is Uber A, in fact I think someone else is pulling the strings to make him seem like the ultimate villain.

I am with others on social media when I say that I don't understand why they are throwing in new characters so late in the game.  Clark, Rhys (Reece), Nichole, and Sarah are all characters that may end up being red herrings for the actual "A" or be working for him/her without knowing it.  Yes, Rhys looks a lot like Jason and he sure could be a Dilaurtenis, but I don't see it playing out.

I along with most of the PLL universe am not a fan of Sarah Harvey.  I get a bad vibe about her (especially since she doesn't seem to have a chip in her neck like the rest of the girls did) and think that she is super shady.  I feel like Emily is getting too attached and it is going to be her downfall in the future.

I have never been an "Ezria" shipper, but I actually have liked Ezra in the past few episodes.

Here are my feelings about this weeks episode "FrAmed"...

I am glad that the moms now know about Charles/A and are being protective.  I feel that Ella (Holly Marie Combs) was the shining star of this episode.  I have loved her since she played Piper in Charmed and in this episode, she reminded me why.  She is an amazing actress, and her trying to protect Aria and later crying about the whole situation seemed so authentic that it made me tear up.  She even has that chin quiver thing down pat when she is crying and I think that is awesome.

I agree with Hanna that Charles should have to pay for what he has done, but as I previously stated, I'm not convinced that Charles is actually a bad guy.  If I had the information that they did, and he had done that stuff to me, I would be on Hanna's side rather than Alisons.

I loved the Emily/Aria scene about prom. They were actually talking like regular teenagers for a moment and it reminded me of season 1 when things weren't so terrifying all the time.

Let's talk about the Alison thing for a minute...although I like that she is more kind than she was in the past, they are making her seem like a 40 year old woman.  She is wearing clothes that are too mature for her, taking care of Lorenzo (which is oddly sweet) and she stays after he falls asleep to do his laundry.  I just find it weird...maybe she is trying to be normal since her childhood was crappy, but it just seems weird.  Of course she uses Lorenzo's card to get into the police station and gets caught (the old Ali wouldn't have got caught) and when Tanner comes in, she claims she didn't touch anything when she is clearly holding a bag of evidence.  Although I feel bad for how she is feeling regarding Charles, I agree with the things Tanner said to her.

The whole art gallery thing was crazy because Tanner promised they would have full security and still the pictures of them drugged on the tables in the morgue are displayed.  I thought Lucy Hale (Aria) did a fantastic job with her monologue about feeling cold.  It was very refreshing to have an actual monologue about their time in the dollhouse.

We do see redcoat and A in the same scene which is crazy!  We also see them get the tickets out for prom!  In less than 2 weeks, we will come face to face with Charles.  The suspense is killing me and I don't think I have ever wanted to see an episode of a show so badly.  I do however feel like we are going to be somewhat let down with the results because it is so hyped up right now.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.  Sorry that they are jumbled, I just get really excited.

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