Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stacie watches Greys "Guess who's coming to dinner?"

This season on Grey's Anatomy shows why I initially fell in love with the show.  I can't believe that it premiered 12 years ago!  It has more of a fun tone mixed with some poignantly intense emotional moments.  As I have said in the past, I love the relationship between Amelia, Meredith, and Maggie because it seems so authentic.  I also have to admit that while I was hesitant to like Maggie when she appeared last season, she has become one of my favorite characters.  All of this being said, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode...

This episode, although it has it's funny moment it wrought with emotion.  The surgeons are having a dinner party thrown by Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia and everything is disorganized and chaotic. Within the first 20 minutes, Amelia is ready to order a pizza, Arizona is drunk, Meredith is off kilter due to the shock of seeing the doctor who was partially responsible for Derek dying, and Maggie heads to the hospital for a UTI.  With Maggie gone, there is nobody to cook dinner, so April finally decides to do the work and appoints Wilson to do the grunt work.  Needless to say, the party is off to a rocky start, which in true Grey's fashion, can only get worse.

Callie invited her new girlfriend Penny who just happens to be "the girl who killed Derek" and it all comes out halfway through the show, when Bailey says that she (Penny) is going to be a new resident at the hospital.  Meredith breaks down and tells the story when all goes to pieces.  

I honestly almost fast forwarded through this part because it was sad and awkward (I know, I'm a loser).  The whole dinner table is silent as poor Penny tries to explain her mistake to not only the whole table, but specifically Amelia who is extremely upset.  Although this part, and the next half of the show left me sad and with tears in my eyes, it was good to see how it affected each person, and the consequences.

First, let's talk about Meredith's reaction, which is closing off and drinking a bit.  She deals with it in her normal way, and talks with Alex (her "person" now) because he is her best friend.

Next we have Amelia (who is probably my favorite character) that feels anger and shock.  She wants to know exactly what happened because she wasn't there when he died.  She cries and gets upset in her Amelia-ish way and goes upstairs to talk to Meredith who tries to explain that while Amelia lost her brother, she (Meredith) lost everything when she lost Derek because she not only lost her husband, but also the father of her children. 

There were a few parts of this whole episode that I thought were best...

#1) Amelia and Owen talking about being perfect/imperfect.: I LOVED this part...especially when Amelia talks about how she vomits her life, while he is always calm and nothing seems to phase him.

#2) I am not usually a huge April/Jackson fan, but I loved when April talks about how she killed a patient in her second year and will never forget about it.  She made a mistake and people make mistakes.

#3) When Maggie is at the hospital because she has a UTI and wants to have all these tests to see if the new intern she was sleeping with gave her an STD, it was funny in a vulnerable/goofy sort of way.  Of course, the resident is the one who is her doctor and in the end she realizes she never gave him a fair chance.

I could go on about this episode, but I'm tired.  I'm glad that Grey's is feeling like it did back in the day because it gives me a little sense of nostalgia.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Stacie watches Premiers Part 2

Here is the second half of my awesome post (I know you all think it is awesome...right?)...where I will give you my opinion on the shows that I like.  Since I like so many shows, I am sure that you will find one out of all of them that you like as well.  So..without further ado, here is some more...


I use to fall asleep every night watching this show.  I have loved it since I started watching it, and still look forward to watching it each week.  First off, I love Bones and Booth...they are two of my favorite characters of all time and their chemistry is undeniable.  Like Castle and The Mysteries of Laura, Bones relies heavily on mystery/forensics but also on humor, which I appreciate.  As we open this season, it looks as if Booth is dead and we find out that it is in fact his brother Jared.  Of course, his friends at the Jeffersonian rally to find and save him.  I love the Jeffersonian and all those who make up the team, but I am sad that Aristu is not there anymore.  I loved his relationship with Cam, and it makes me sad.

Code Black

This show is brand spankin new on CBS this year and stars none other than Marcia Gay Harden who is one of my favorite actresses.  She is on staff at a hospital that deals with many intense situations and is teaching residents how to endure and come out strong from the things they experience.  I would have to say that this is my favorite new show for a few different reasons...#1) It has a strong female lead #2) It is medical #3) It is intense #4) It kinda reminds me of a darker version of Grey's anatomy

Criminal Minds

I'm not a fan of the season thus far for a few reasons, #1) they don't have JJ back from maternity leave yet #2) I feel that the episodes are very similar to other episodes that have been done in the past #3) While I love Aisha Tyler, I am having trouble to adjusting her to not playing a comedic role.  I do however love the cast and will always be a fan of this show.

CSI: Cyber

I love this show so much! As the last CSI spinoff, it has actually captured my attention with the cyber aspect along with the great cast (Patricia Arquette, James Vanderbeek, and Ted Danson.  It is psychological mixed with mystery which is one of my favorite genres.


Gotham is very much frustrating me this season because of its darkness.  I know that it is not a happy show to begin with, but I feel like it got extremely dark.

How to get away with Murder is just not doing it for me this season because I feel like they are making every character too convoluted and mean.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Stacie watches Season Premiers Part 1

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Yes, it has already been a month, but I haven't had a chance to weigh in on the new season of my favorite shows.  Honestly, I have been thinking about what to say about each of my faves for the last few weeks and I think I have finally figured out what to say.  We all know that I watch a lot of TV, so here are my feelings on my ultimate favorites.


As one of my ultimate favorite shows, I thought that the beginning of the season would be all rainbows and sunshine.  Since it had a calm finale, I should've known that the premier of season 8 would be packed with action.  Although the action and suspense of the first few episodes was appealing, the whole Beckett needing to be without Castle as she figures things out makes me so frustrated. I know that there can't be happiness all the time, but come on....


This show just keeps getting better! I love that every episode is not only filled with suspense, but it shows how much the team needs to rely on empathy and compassion along with their intelligence in order to help those in the world that need them.  Team Scorpion only does well, when they have a mix of both and are able to get through things together.

Grey's Anatomy

I have been watching Grey's since season 1 and have gone through my ups and downs with the show.  Some seasons I absolutely love, while others have not been my favorites.  I love this season thus far because it is such a mix of drama and comedy...dramedy.  The relationship between Maggie, Amelia, and Meredith is my favorite.  As they share their struggles and joys with each other, we get to see a new side of the "sisters".  I also love how they are still dealing with Meredith being a widow without doing too much. As much as I liked Derek and know that Meredith is still dealing with feelings of loss and grief, I like that they are not only portraying the sadness.

The Mysteries of Laura

As I may have said before, if you have not seen this show, you are missing out.  This show is so brilliant with it's acting and comedic timing.  Each time I watch, I laugh so hard and many times get tears in my eyes from the dramatic aspects.  Debra Messing is a genius when it comes to acting, she is spot on.  The Mysteries of Laura is a favorite of mine much like Castle and Bones because it combines my two favorite genres with being a mystery and comedy.

Law and Order SVU

Starting its 17th season off right, SVU will always be a go to show for me.  Why is it so good? The fact that it has been on since I was 15 and still holds my interest is a testament to its greatness.  It has lost and gained so many characters throughout its long run, but it continues to stay strong and bring in viewers.  Much of my love for this show is that Mariska Hargitay is still killing it as the leading lady.  Her character has been through so much, and the fact that she is now Lieutenant makes everything even better.

Chicago PD

Initially, I started watching this show because one of my favorite actresses Sophia Bush was going to star on it, and I am now so glad I did.  As is true with any Dick Wolf show, the show is gritty and sometimes dark, but is a crime show at its best.  Sophia Bush shines in the first few episodes as she comes to grip with the darkness she has experienced since Nadia's death which sent her in a downward spiral of drugs, drinking, and partying.

Since my computer is ready to die, I will stop here for now.  Get ready for the next installment soon and as always, enjoy your shows!