Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stacie watches Greys "Guess who's coming to dinner?"

This season on Grey's Anatomy shows why I initially fell in love with the show.  I can't believe that it premiered 12 years ago!  It has more of a fun tone mixed with some poignantly intense emotional moments.  As I have said in the past, I love the relationship between Amelia, Meredith, and Maggie because it seems so authentic.  I also have to admit that while I was hesitant to like Maggie when she appeared last season, she has become one of my favorite characters.  All of this being said, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode...

This episode, although it has it's funny moment it wrought with emotion.  The surgeons are having a dinner party thrown by Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia and everything is disorganized and chaotic. Within the first 20 minutes, Amelia is ready to order a pizza, Arizona is drunk, Meredith is off kilter due to the shock of seeing the doctor who was partially responsible for Derek dying, and Maggie heads to the hospital for a UTI.  With Maggie gone, there is nobody to cook dinner, so April finally decides to do the work and appoints Wilson to do the grunt work.  Needless to say, the party is off to a rocky start, which in true Grey's fashion, can only get worse.

Callie invited her new girlfriend Penny who just happens to be "the girl who killed Derek" and it all comes out halfway through the show, when Bailey says that she (Penny) is going to be a new resident at the hospital.  Meredith breaks down and tells the story when all goes to pieces.  

I honestly almost fast forwarded through this part because it was sad and awkward (I know, I'm a loser).  The whole dinner table is silent as poor Penny tries to explain her mistake to not only the whole table, but specifically Amelia who is extremely upset.  Although this part, and the next half of the show left me sad and with tears in my eyes, it was good to see how it affected each person, and the consequences.

First, let's talk about Meredith's reaction, which is closing off and drinking a bit.  She deals with it in her normal way, and talks with Alex (her "person" now) because he is her best friend.

Next we have Amelia (who is probably my favorite character) that feels anger and shock.  She wants to know exactly what happened because she wasn't there when he died.  She cries and gets upset in her Amelia-ish way and goes upstairs to talk to Meredith who tries to explain that while Amelia lost her brother, she (Meredith) lost everything when she lost Derek because she not only lost her husband, but also the father of her children. 

There were a few parts of this whole episode that I thought were best...

#1) Amelia and Owen talking about being perfect/imperfect.: I LOVED this part...especially when Amelia talks about how she vomits her life, while he is always calm and nothing seems to phase him.

#2) I am not usually a huge April/Jackson fan, but I loved when April talks about how she killed a patient in her second year and will never forget about it.  She made a mistake and people make mistakes.

#3) When Maggie is at the hospital because she has a UTI and wants to have all these tests to see if the new intern she was sleeping with gave her an STD, it was funny in a vulnerable/goofy sort of way.  Of course, the resident is the one who is her doctor and in the end she realizes she never gave him a fair chance.

I could go on about this episode, but I'm tired.  I'm glad that Grey's is feeling like it did back in the day because it gives me a little sense of nostalgia.


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