Monday, November 30, 2015

Stacie watches "Code Black: The Son Rises"

This show has become one of my favorites this year.  The cast is amazing and the storyline is wrought with equal parts emotion and drama.  It's a procedural set in the ER unit of a hospital that experiences approximately 300 Code Blacks/year (code black=when they have a high level of traumas but not enough resources).  In some ways, it reminds me of a darker version of ER, or Grey's Anatomy with more depth.  

This weeks episode made me cry through the beginning and eventually succumb to a bawling mess of a person.  Why? Because the writing is so darn good, the actors are amazingly talented, and some of the cast of the "Lion King" Musical played a part.

The man who plays Mufasa comes in with an absess in his throat and as they do a procedure, he, his wife and cast are all wondering if he will be able to sing again.  Dr. Leanne (aka daddy) who has lost all of her family (children and husband) in a car accident 3 years prior tells Jesse (aka Mommy) that they had listened to the Lion King CD a million times and that they lost it, only to find it in the wreckage of the cast.  Jesse sings the beginning of "Circle of Life" at the top of his lungs to a crying Leanne.  This is the first part I cried at...and it was probably 5 minutes in.

Another part of the storyling during this episode is 2 parents and a teen who are brought in because of injuries suffered during a home invasion.  The teen turned out to be a hero due to the fact that he was able to get out of the house to get help despite the severe pain from injuries he incurred. Throughout the episode, you see them all being worked on, with the mother seemingly shocked, but not as injured as the son and husband.  As they are saving the man and helping the teen, nobody seems to notice that the mom has petechiae (a broken blood vessel: caused from many things, trauma being one) in her eyes.  Finally, one of the residents discovers the petechiae and after some trouble (we won't even get into that), Leanne talks to the woman alone.  Apparently, when the house was broken into, one of the men took her into a cupboard and raped her...she didn't want her family to know...she figured that if they were in with her, they wouldn't be hurting them.  There was my second reason for crying.

Now, the part that made me bawl my eyes out...

The storyline that seemed a little bit smaller through the episode was of a newly turned 18 year old boy that brought his dad in who was suffering from end of life issues as well as Alzheimers.  He was in the last stages of his life, but the son wanted them to save him regardless of whether or not it would ultimately put him on life support.  In the end, he ends up watching as his father passes away.  Although watching this, may be sad...add in the fact that the man liked music and ended up having the cast of the Lion King singing to him as he passed away...complete tear jerker.

I can't begin to do the episode justice, but feel that it is an amazing program that deserves to be watched, maybe win an emmy, and definitely renewed for a 2nd season.

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