Monday, December 8, 2014

Stacie watches Castle and The Fosters

I am currently watching Castle and I must say that I only slightly like this episode.  I don't like the fact that they did the whole mob thing again...I feel it was already done with Ryan when he went back under cover and with Castle, the whole Vinny thing in the Hampton's and the 70's episode.  That being said, here is what I liked...
-I of course love that they do the Christmas poem thing.  I like that Kate hasn't started hers yet and Martha started to do hers in July.
-I am a fan of the holiday episodes (i.e. The Good the Bad and the Baby which is still probably my favorite episode to date) so I appreciated that this episode was about the Holiday season.
-I loved that Lanie faked being engaged for her parents, but even more so that Ryan made up their fake engagement story.
-"Well..Hello Bad Santa"-Kate
-I knew it was that stupid cop guy from the very beginning, which means I haven't lost my touch
Ok, now that I have watched the whole thing, I am so mad that they took Castle off the squad for working with the mob guys!!!  That is the end of my Castle piece for today...I know you all wanted more, but I am too angry....the kind of angry I was when it took 4 years for Castle and Beckett to finally get together.

The Foster's Christmas Special

I am a huge The Fosters fan, and I have to say I was a little let down by the episode this week.  Maybe I just have my expectations too high for my favorite shows (trust me, I know my expectations are hard to fill), but although I enjoyed bits and pieces, I did not enjoy the set-up.  They take us from a huge cliffhanger where Callie and Brandon kiss and Sophia goes into the bathroom crying to a Christmas episode set last year.  Brandon suddenly sits down after kissing Callie and recalls all of the events of that previous was just a little weird to me.  That being said, here is what I liked...
-I loved that they were all together for Christmas
-I liked that Jude stole the bracelet initially, but went back to give it to the cashier who gave it to him for 60% off because that is all that he could afford.
-The fact that Lena was showing true emotion and happened to say something she didn't mean when Jude was listening made me happy, because that is something we do as humans that doesn't get shown much in TV world.
-Steph getting all mad about her mom using all the money made me frustrated at first, but I started to understand where she was coming from.  I was so happy her mom actually was using the money for good and saving for the kids college funds.
-I feel bad for Daphne not getting to be with her little girl for Christmas, but her doing the right thing made me happy.
- I like that Callie got the metronome for Brandon.
As I said at the beginning, I did not like the set up and thought that they should have given more thought to the drama surrounding Callie's biological father and sister, but I am sure they will do more with that in January.  They start to hint at it when the ambulance shows up, which makes me think it was attempted suicide (which I thought from the beginning).  Although I am sad that this is most likely the route they will take, I know that teen suicides are happening a lot in our world today.  I also know that Bailee Madison (Sophia) is one of the most amazing teen actresses and she does a great job with crying scenes, so I am sure January episodes will be real tear jerkers.

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