Monday, December 15, 2014

Stacie watches "Scorpion"

I'm not going to lie, I love TV. I don't just love it for the stories, I love it for the behind the scenes, the acting, and the pure thrill I get when watching a new episode of something I love.  I love it because the many times I have been sick and in the hospital, I have a distraction.

All of this being said, tonight's episode of "Scorpion" perfectly named "Dominoes" left me feeling all sorts of feelings.  This is one of my absolute favorite new shows, and this episode proved it.

A 10 year old boy gets caught when a landslide while looking for shells on the beach.  Thankfully for the boy (Owen), Walter is there to help.  He calls his team of genius Homeland squad to help.  Here are my thoughts....
-the acting could not get any better on this show
-the dramatic tension is palpable as Owen is trapped under rocks, only has one lung working and struggling to survive.
-Paige does such a good job keeping him calm
-Walter saves the day!
-Happy meets her dad
-the Christmas party at the end was,awesome!

Can't wait until it comes back!

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