Monday, December 22, 2014

Brigette Watches Homeland, S4/Ep12: "Long Time Coming"

Well, um, I guess that’s it for Homeland? Happy season 4, everybody!

I must say, I thought the reveal that Dar Adal was Haqqani’s bro was going to be a really big deal. And I thought that Quinn’s assassination plan thwarted was going to be a really big deal. And I expected the finale to take place in Pakistan. Buuuut…. the whole episode took place back in the American suburbs.

The most anti-climatic storyline of the finale belonged to Dar Adal. He just outright confessed to Saul over pancakes that he was making deals with Haqqani. So…no secret double agent stuff after all, I guess? And now Saul has possession of the embarrassing footage of being Haqqani’s prisoner as part of one of these said deals, so he’s like, “Okay, I guess.” And Carrie hates him for that. I get it. I mean, it’s not admirable of Saul, but it makes sense for him; the prisoner exchange was way worse than actually being a prisoner, and owning footage of being a hostage helps to ease some of that shame. Okay, whatever. I don’t really care about that.

I care more about what the heck this season was about anyway. If you put a lot of stake in the finale, you would think it was all about family: Carrie reconnecting with Franny (was I the only one who was freaked out every time there was a scene where the two of them were alone? I have NOT forgotten the near-drowning in the bathtub thing); reconnecting (if it can be called that) with her long-lost mother, who ditched her family to have another family, and the possibility of having a normal family life with Quinn. Yes, they finally kissed. I mean, I get it, but it’s sort of out of nowhere at the same time, as I’ve always thought. Oh, and of course it was also about Carrie mourning the death of her father. FAMILY!

I think this episode signified the beginning of the end. I’m guessing one more season, two tops, since the whole thing revolved around the ideas of being grounded, having a normal life, getting out of the crazy C.I.A. game. After Quinn proposed this very idea, Carrie seemed to be kind of into it, which was unexpected, but I guess the emotionally depleting terrorist raid and the death of her father shifted things for her a bit.

But we know that Carrie’s not going to get out of it just yet, because Quinn did a 180 and isn’t out of it just yet himself. Most likely, Carrie will chase Quinn to the depths. This may be good TV, but it’s a STUPID move as a human. I thought it was completely reasonable, as Carrie was tracking down her mother, when she told Quinn she couldn’t think about a relationship that second, that she had a lot going on, that she needed a few days. But this was not reasonable to Quinn; within a matter of HOURS, he went from wanting to fly out to meet Carrie and have a committed relationship to completely ditching her for a top-secret mission. A MATTER OF HOURS. I’m sorry Quinn, are you a psycho, emo, teenage girl? Carrie should NOT be chasing that. NO ONE should be chasing that. But Carrie is not one to make smart decisions about men, is she? So she probably will.

Well guys, this whole season was weird, from start to finish. It was emotionally disconnected, the plot went from being boring and one-dimensional to super exciting and back to dull, and there was just a lot of dead space: Carrie putting in her retainer, Carrie walking down a dark hall. I’m surprised they never showed Carrie taking a dump and then plucking her eyebrows. There were so many scenes like that which I thought would be significant, and then they just weren’t.  Shrug.

Choose your own adventure:
A) Do you think the show should have ended after three seasons with Brody’s death? B) Do you think it should have continued, but we still should have followed his family to give the show some cohesiveness (and so it felt like the same show)? C) Did you dig this season?  D) Are you excited for what will happen next season?
I think I'm the only person in the world who thought Dana was interesting.

Here are my answers:
A) Maybe B) Yes C) No D) No


Regardless, I must confess, I’m kind of relieved this season is over.

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