Thursday, May 21, 2015

Stacie continues season finales...

As I was saying in my last post, I like a good cliffhanger at the end of a season.  I feel like this round of finales left me mostly irritated with shows I normally love.  The only 2 finales I felt were worth anything as this week comes to a close were The Mysteries of Laura and Modern Family.   You would think with the slew of dramas I watch, that Modern Family would not be a contender in the best season finale list, but it is indeed.  So...without further are my thoughts...

I was unsure how I would feel about the Mysteries of Laura as premier week approached, but I was instantly hooked.  Debra Messing is amazing and portrays Laura Diamond fabulously.  I enjoyed the finale because they actually had a cliffhanger! After pouring out his heart to Laura about being sorry about the affair he had and wanting to get back together, he does not remember it a few minutes later because he has some weird form of amnesia after his accident.  Although I thought it was a little too close to the Castle finale when Beckett gets shot, I liked that it leaves the audience guessing.

Modern Family was my season finale win because not only was it hilarious (as usual), it was full of surprises.  I actually watched it a second time with my parents because I thought it was hysterical.  First, the robot thing with Phil was done so well it made the episode that much better.  Cam's braces were awesome and I think the writers made him have so many "s" words for comedic effect.  The end of the show was a cliffhanger (I'm not going to tell:)) and was brilliant!

Chicago PD, although brilliantly done with Sophia Bush playing the grieving detective who reverts back to her old ways with drug addiction, I felt that the finale lacked a little depth and fluidity.  This made me somewhat sad since I really feel the show is well done.

So there are a few of my finale thoughts...can't wait until fall!

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