Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Stacie watches season/series finales :Castle, Forever, Criminal Minds

First, finale week is one of my least favorites of the year (I know you are probably thinking about how sad that is) for a few reasons.  The first reason is that it occurs during the spring when my allergies are so bad that I physically feel awful 95% of the time.  Another reason I hate finales, is that they are the final episode of a season and sometimes an entire series.  Sometimes, the audience is left with a dramatic cliffhanger, and we anxiously await fall premiers to see the conclusion, while in other instances things are wrapped up like a tight little present and we don't know how to react.  While most seasons are coming to an end, there are also the series that end that leave us (or maybe just me spinning).  At the end of the day, seasons end as they always do,  repeats fill our screens for the next 3 months and premier week arrives to leave us as participants in an ever present cycle.  Since I have a small obsession with all things television related, I tend to have strong feelings about the end of seasons...a time when everything changes.

The first finale I am going to talk about today is that of my favorite show "Castle".  I have to admit, I was a little (ok, a lot) disappointed by the season finale of this show.  Why was I disappointed?  For me, good TV ends with a cliffhanger.  As much as I hate the anticipation to know the conclusion of the cliffhanger, I like it to be suspenseful.  I feel like the writers of "Castle" put a lot of drama into February sweeps and the couple weeks after, and did not take into account the ending of the season.  It ended too happily for me....so much so that I panicked and thought it might be ending.  Don't get me wrong, I like when things come together, but they should have done the Tyson and Neiman stuff on last nights episode.

Last week, as I watched the finale of "Forever", I thought for sure it would be coming back.  I loved that show!  I thought it was very well written and witty, but apparently ABC did not.  It of course did not get renewed and that fact makes me very sad.

We then have shows like "Secrets and Lies" and "NCIS" that end dramatically and enable to audience to anxiously await the fall season.  The finale of "Criminal Minds" was what I would call a mix of happy and sad.  I was happy that they ended everything and wrapped things up how they did, and definitely psyched that JJ is going to be a mom again, but I was frustrated at the fact that Jennifer Love Hewitt's character Kate is leaving.  I actually really liked her character this season and felt she added something to the show that has been missing for awhile.  What brunette female will claim a spot in the BAU next season?

Thankfully, shows are filled with beginnings and middles and it is through those that we learn the stories of characters, and how they relate in comparison to other characters.  We may laugh, cry, or yell while watching a show, but it usually teaches us something specific that we can use throughout our lives.

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