Sunday, May 3, 2015

Stacie watches the "Secrets and Lies" finale: CONTAINS SPOILERS!

It is the beginning of Finale season and while that makes me all sorts of sad, it also means cliffhangers and endings for the next few weeks.  Take the show "Secrets and Lies" and its gripping yet somewhat traumatizing season ending.
As we tune in to the last episode of the season, we are feeling somewhat relieved as Ben and his family begin to appear happy and Ben is off the hook for killing his son.  We realize that Jess may have a lot of emotional problems and is apparently behind killing her only child Tom.  Of course, we are not even twenty minutes in and this is a finale which means that there should be no happy endings..EVER! 
The happy family sits down for an awesome Chinese takeout/reunion dinner and are seemingly getting past the few weeks that they have spent caught up in a spiral of criminal activity, unknown affairs, various suspects, and of course mourning the newly announced secret that Tom is in fact Ben's son, and the girls brother all in the aftermath of him being hit over the head and left for dead in the woods.  As they sit at the table, Ben realizes he forgot something and goes to the side of the house, where he finds a pair of shoes covered in blood and dirt....whose could they be? He goes into the house and walks up to Abby (the youngest) and says something like "Is this blood on your shoes? Were you with Tom?" It suddenly cuts to commercial break (which it usually does when things get good) and leaves us anxious over the next 3 minutes about what actually happened...what will the secret be? Will there be lies? (see what I did there?).
It comes back on Abby who tells this emotional story of how she went to get Tom and they were trying to run away because when kids run away their parents automatically get back together (only in a child's mind) and she accidentally hit him with the flashlight and he died.  Her family is shocked of course and she is crying saying "it was an accident".  What do they do now that they find out their child did it? Ben was just taken off the suspect list and now his 12 year old daughter confesses to the "accidental" death of her little brother.  While Christie (the mom) starts sobbing and looking sick, Ben looks shocked, and their daughter Natalie (17) says that they need to report it to the police.  Ben, the father of the year decides that he will go burn the shoes and coat (she took Jess's sweatshirt), he asks Abby why she put the flashlight (murder weapon) back in the house after the murder and she says something about how they were blaming him and she thought it would make him look less guilty if they did that.  He then sends Abby and Christie on their merry way to who knows where with $150,000, drops Natalie off at her uncles because she wants no part of any of the lies, and ends up at the precinct telling detective Cornell that he was in fact the culprit.  Here is the best part...she already knows that it was Abby and has suspected her for awhile.  She tells him (as he lines up to get into his cell) that Abby hit Tom over the head 6 times and that the murder was premeditated.  She also informs him that she is a psychopathic killer and she will do it again in the future.  They show some things that are evidence that Abby knew what she was doing (luring Tom, getting the coat back to Jess and trying to wash it, throwing her phone because she was jealous of Ben and Jess, etc).  Ben decides that it is all his fault and bad parenting that lead her to this, so rather than put Abby in prison (where she needs to be so she doesn't hurt anyone), he takes the rap for her and goes in her place.
At the end, we see Abby and Christie in the car chatting.  Abby asks when her dad is coming home and Christie says that she doesn't know and then Abby (so nonchalantly) says that she wishes she could have just left him (Tom) in the river and then none of this would have happened. that I have summarized a bit, here are my feelings...
First, unless you are weird like me, or lived in Australia, you probably did not know that this show is based on one by the same title that aired in Australia.  I was reading about the show when I saw this, and it said that the younger daughter is the killer.  This made me so mad because it means I already knew who the killer was, but I still watched.  On KaDee Strickland's (Christie) twitter, she said that they had actually shot multiple endings and the cast didn't even know which one would air, which made me happy because I figured that they would probably change it from the original, but they didn't!  So, I have pretty much known for weeks that it was going to be Abby.
Second, if you are reading this and you have not watched Cornell confidential, WATCH IT NOW...that 4 minute segment made me frustrated and if you watched I think you will see why.
I think the show has a second season in store, so who knows if we will see what becomes of the Abby situation. I loved that most weeks it kept me guessing and had a lot of character development and I am actually excited to see what is in store for the future...oh and P.S. the guy at the end that said he was Cornell's ex husband is actually the detective from the Australian version...a little piece of useless trivia for you.

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