Monday, November 23, 2015

Stacie watches "Scorpion"...and cries like a baby

I would say I don't know what it is about the show Scorpion that is so good, but I of course would be lying.  It is the brilliant acting and equally brilliant story lines that make this show a star in my book.  I know what you are all thinking...Stacie likes pretty much every show, but that is not the case.  I am enthralled with shows that tell magnificent stories, and for at least an hour can allow you a break from reality.  I think that the reason I love this show, is that the social awkwardness of most of the major characters is extremely realistic.  I love how each character has grown since the beginning and how they are learning about a world outside of their norm and learning to move out of their comfort zones.  I love that Paige is the conduit to this group of "brainiacs" learning how to not only to explore their own emotions, but relay those emotions to others.  With all that being said, here are my thoughts on this amazing episode.

Honestly...could the Megan thing have been any more sad?!! I started crying almost from the beginning as I knew that the outcome would probably be her dying before Walter could save her.  There are a few different things I liked from this episode, but one thing that stands out is that at the beginning, Walter and Megan's dad doesn't really mesh with Walter.  He hasn't seem them in forever, and while he has been trying to research life saving techniques for his sister, his dad doesn't really understand.  Although I felt for Walter, I also realized that his father was losing his daughter who in all actuality was the only person who understood his son and how he thought.  It was all about loss, and how everyone experiences things differently.  In the end, we see that they come together to talk about good memories, it just made me sad that they did not develop a relationship.

I loved the Sylvester parts of this episode (he is pretty much my favorite character) because although everything was going wrong around him, he showed that he would not back down....yes he plays with toys and may not be what the O'Brien's were expecting, but he loved Megan and would do anything for her.  Towards the end, when he showed her the lights, I may or may not have been bawling (ok we all know I was).

When Walter and Paige are trapped, I thought it was interesting that the writers didn't have Paige be able to completely get through to Walter.  He was hurting, and the person who usually makes that better couldn't do much. He tells her that his sister was the only person who understood him, and was the filter between him and his parents.  I wanted to shout "YOU HAVE PAIGE! YOU HAVE THE WHOLE SCORPION CREW!  But of course, I realized that sometimes we miss what is right in front of us when we are in pain or experiencing loss. It reminds me of real life, although we can be there when someone is in the midst of tragedy, most of the time we have no way of fixing it.

There is the part with Happy and Toby where he has to choose to save the baby, or be with her.  Of course, he chose to save the baby, but I like that he had to think about it for a second.

Now to the part that I'm sure made everyone cry, when Megan finally passes away.  She talks to Walter and doesn't finish what she says.  They go back to the warehouse, where he unplugs all of his things pertaining to his research, but pulls up a video Megan had taped awhile back telling him not to be afraid to be himself and to love. The fact that the whole group of friends/family were downstairs listening made me even more sad.  As they all go to leave, Walter comes down and starts sharing funny memories, and everyone stays and listens (which we know Megan would've wanted),

Altogether, I think that this show needs to receive an Emmy...or Peoples Choice...or both.  They probably never will, because it is rare that one of my favorite show wins, but I think they deserve it.

So, that's about it on the Scorpion front.  I love this show (as if you couldn't tell) and can't wait until it comes back on.

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