Monday, November 23, 2015

Stacie watches "Supergirl" "Castle" and "Grey's Anatomy"


Up Up and away! It's Supergirl!  The new drama on CBS is actually a hit in my book.  At first, I thought it was pretty cheesy, and although it does have that quality, I kind of like it even more.  There are few shows out there nowadays that have a little bit more innocence, and I like that this show is not all about promiscuity.  I also love the story of Superman and watched "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" growing up.  I love that supergirl (aka Kara) wants to save the world, but has quite a bit to learn.  I also love how they throw in Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane (Lois' sister) and other characters from Superman into the mix.  Not only do I love the story line, but I think the cast is awesome and is a very big mix of actors/actresses.  Supergirl/Kara is played by Melissa Benoist, who was in the last few seasons of "Glee".  The adoptive sister who works with an agency to monitor and protect against alien attacks is none other than Chyler Leigh, most widely recognized as Lexi Grey from Grey's anatomy.  Calista Flockhart is at the center of it all as Cat Grant, and Mehcad Brooks who plays Jimmy Olsen had a starring role on the series "Necessary Roughness"  Altogether, making a perfectly unique cast.

I love when shows develop layers, and I feel that this show adds a little each time.  The fact that Cat had a son was surprising and adds a new layer of emotion to the seemingly cold Cat.  The thing I find funny on this show as well as other super hero shows/movies/comics is that they are never discreet with what they wear to make themselves seem "normal".  Take for instance both Superman and Supergirl's use of glasses to hide themselves from the world.  They are close to people that seem to know them, but those people can't figure out that they are just wearing glasses? At least Batman is so covered you don't know he is Bruce Wayne! 

Anyway, I think this show has promise and I hope that it lasts!


Ah Castle...a show that has been my favorite for quite sometime has actually went down on my list of favorites this season until today!  I was getting very sick of Beckett and Castle not being together and it was almost making it so I didn't want to watch anymore, but today they came back to each other.  I love how it happened in such "Castle" fashion.  Castle finds out that Beckett has been keeping a huge secret from him and he is undoubtedly hurt.  He tells Beckett how she should've trusted him regardless of whether or not she wanted to protect him.  I loved the whole cruise ship thing, especially Castle dancing, but the best part to me was them getting back together and working together to take down the bad guys!


Last weeks episode of Grey's literally left me in tears (which is not too hard to do of course).  The fact that the guy who had been a firefighter for years finally succumbs to his burns and dies right after talking to his wife was more than enough to do me in, but then there was the Alex scene and of course the Amelia stuff.  The Meredith/Amelia stuff made me so angry, probably because Amelia has always been my favorite character from the Private Practice days, and for Meredith to tell her they were not sisters anymore now that Derek died made me furious.  I understand Meredith is still grieving, but it just makes me so mad for Amelia who honestly has nobody left.  At the end of the episode when Amelia decides to drink a vodka tonic, I wanted to scream at the TV...why oh why would Shonda do that??  If you don't know, Amelia was addicted to drugs/alcohol while on private practice.  Her story line was that she was addicted, fell in love with another addict and he died of an overdose.   She goes to rehab and goes through detox, which was honestly one of the most raw episodes of a show I have ever seen as Caterina Scorcone who plays Amelia did a magnificent job. She then finds out that she is pregnant , only to discover that the baby has no brain and only lives a few minutes.  So....having her become an addict again will just make me more mad.

*For the record, I'm kinda annoyed at ABC shows for having their winter finales in November and not being back until the middle of February, I guess I can feel a litttle better since Pretty Little Liars will be back in January, but I feel like ABC is taking it a little too far by having such a big hiatus...can't they just be repeats during December? Why can't we ring in the new year with new episodes?  I understand that the actors/actresses need a hiatus, so I guess I can't complain too much.*

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