Thursday, April 23, 2015

Stacie watches "Criminal Minds: Mr.Scratch"

Just to be clear, it takes very little to disturb me when it comes to TV shows.  I have watched Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle,  and Law and Order SVU for years.  The few times I have been seriously freaked out by these shows is unusual.  I usually don't freak out much over shows because people are acting out a story.  I can't handle watching true crime shows because I know it is actually happening to real people.  This being said, the episodes of shows that have scared me a bit are different that those that creep me out.  If you have ever watched the Criminal Minds episode "lucky", I still have issues with this as it freaked me out so much.  So to say that this weeks episode of Criminal Minds entitled "Mr. Scratch" very much creeped me out.   It was so disturbing that I have to stop half way through to watch a comedy in order to recoup for a minute.  Yes, I know this is just a show, but when you become invested in characters and story lines, it can prove a bit emotional.  I even knew in advance that this was going to be a creepy episode and still was quite shocked by how horrific it was.  Why did I continue to watch? It's one of my favorite shows!

So here are my thoughts about tonight's episode...

The talons on the creepy guy and the shadows on the wall were frightening and were meant to be, but the fact that those people killed their loved ones without knowing it makes everything seem so sad (and creepy).  The guy at the beginning who killed his wife without remembering it was sad, but the girl who wasnt saying anything and started scratching her face and thinking she was 4 years old was the icing on the cake in terms of disturbing.  

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