Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Brigette Watches Parenthood: "How Did We Get Here?" & "Let's Go Home" S6/Eps10-11

What we've learned in the last two episodes of Parenthood:

-- Hank has really terrible timing, but he is Drew's favorite loser.
-- Amber's dad thinks he can buy a fancy crib and just take all the credit for everything.
-- Adam and Crosby are selling the Lunchonette. No they're not. Yes they are. No they're not.
-- Julia doesn't have any storage under her bed (what's that like?) and there's enough room for a grown man to hide under it.
-- Zeek is a dead man walking

I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but I felt a little disengaged from the last two episodes of Parenthood. The show is down to the wire. I mean, there's only two episodes left, and I just feel like it's really…slow?

Maybe that's not fair. After all, it's not like this show is Lost. There's no murder and bad guys and smoke monsters. The writers are trying to wrap up this story about a family in a way that is nostalgic and nice…except that Zeek will die.

In no particular order of importance, here's what stuck out for me in these last two episodes:

The mystery film Zeek found in his attic that Max developed was all the pictures from the intro. FULL CIRCLE! Did they plan to do that all along? Probably not? I don't know? If anyone can find one of those pictures on someone's wall in an earlier episode, I will give you a million dollars. (I won't.)

The "love lessons" were sort of irritating, except I understand their purpose in dramatic television. Like when Sarah isn't sure if she should marry Hank and Camile's response is, "Do you love him? Does he make you happy? Well, what else is there?" UGHHH can we STOOOOPP with preaching that! That whole thing ruins liveeeees! With that being said, I think Sarah would be crazy if she said no to Hank. Ol' Hank has grown on me a lot, and he was a total sweety to Drew at the hospital, and let's face it, she ain't gettin' any younger.

Then we have Julia and Joel. Julia was being very smart and practical, telling Joel that their relationship was confusing for the children and the two of them needed to be absolutely on the same page and healthy and whatever before they let the kids know they were thinking about getting back together. That is all a good idea. But then Joel blows it, showing up at the skating rink and kissing Julia in front of the kids. It was cute and all, and I know we were supposed to cheer, but I was like, ugh, if this were real life, that would not have been smart. Just, no. But I get it-- it's TV.

I don't care about The Lunchonette. I think it's irresponsible of Jasmine to tell Crosby to follow his dreams even though they're in the poor house. I get that Crosby helped Adam once upon a time, but I don't understand why Adam feels like he owes Crosby his life choices now. Mostly, I don't understand why Crosby can't keep The Lunchonette & run it with someone who isn't Adam. Which leads me to…


1) Adam will leave The Luncheonette. Amber and Crosby will run it. Maybe Jasmine will handle the financial stuff that Adam handled. She seems like the type who could handle it.
2) Zeek is going to die at a completely unexpected, happy moment, before he can have surgery. The whole family will be partying and having fun, and Camille will go nudge Zeek in his chair and he'll just be dead. That's how it will happen. No dramatics, no grabbing of the heart, just unexpectedly lights out.

Well… I guess I only have two.

What about you? What predictions do YOU have? Are you feeling as invested as you were before the break? What do you think about how storylines are wrapping up?

Two weeks!

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