Friday, January 30, 2015

Brigette Watches the Parenthood Series Finale: "May God Bless & Keep You Always"

I was a little terrified entering the last episode of Parenthood after all that I had heard about it, especially after this video tweet from Ryan Seacrest that went viral on the Twitter. Parenthood almost always makes me teary-eyed at the least, but last night I didn't cry, or even well-up. I think part of it was the disconnect I felt over the last couple of episodes, but more importantly, I was prepared. I was totally psychic and already knew how Zeek was going to die.

To quote myself:  "Zeek is going to die at a completely unexpected, happy moment…. Camille will go nudge Zeek in his chair and he'll just be dead. That's how it will happen. No dramatics, no grabbing of the heart, just unexpectedly lights out."

Okay, I'm not totally psychic. I've just seen enough television and movies to know that after all the "emergency" Zeek episodes that this is how it would happen. And if it had to happen, I'm glad it was like this, because it was peaceful. We can all tell ourselves it was painless. He was comfortable, at home, and unafraid. I predicted the whole family would be there, but I'm glad they weren't. It was better with just Camille. Mad props to Bonnie Bedelia for that entire performance. She goes from scared to strong in just one little facial movement. And then she just goes and sits with him for a while. 

I'm glad this scene was short, and I'm glad they didn't show the funeral or anyone else's reaction because that would have been like the purest form of torture I can imagine. 

Zeek's death definitely takes center stage, but what about everything else? 

I must say I thought the baseball scene was a bit over-done. I loved it as part of the montage, since that's how the show began, but there was like way too much "hey-o!" high-fiving and laughing and stuff that it was almost cartoonish, especially after they had just put Zeek's ashes on the plate. Maybe it just felt weird because we hadn't seen them be sad? Not like I wanted that.

The flash forward: I actually loved this. I felt like it really helped ease the sadness of Zeek's death too, like this family is still progressing and living and loving. The only thing that bugged me was that the children would look way different in three years, and they looked way too much the same. I mean couldn't they have just cut Max's hair or something? Or given Sydney fake boobs? It was weird to see the kids look exactly the same but then there were like, toddlers who were babies when Sarah & Hank got married. Which brings us to…

Joel & Julia: Ugh. Okay, I'm happy that they're a happy family again, but I can't get over the whole if-this-was-real-life thing. Adopting another kid after getting divorced is a BAD IDEA! Except it wasn't. It was just fine, because this is television. So now it's Joel, Julia, Sydney, Victor, Victor's sister, and then yet another baby, which I know is supposed to be biologically theirs since that's what Jason Katims said in an interview. They've got four kids like the original Bravermans, get it? 

Another psychic hit= the luncheonette. Again, to quote myself: "Adam will leave The Luncheonette. Amber and Crosby will run it." 

Because DUH. 

Which brings us to Amber: she marries someone else, who it looks like already has a little girl of his own, and she's now pregnant with his kid. It looks like Ryan got his shit together and is a great dad, who is friendly with Amber as they share custody. I love all of this. Ryan & Amber's story was so depressing, and it's great to know that they were able to move on but still be pals and raise their son. 

Other little things: Jasmine gets pregnant again. Max graduates (Duh). Camile goes to the bed and breakfast she was supposed to go to with Zeek even though he's gone (tears). Drew is still with gross Julie (WHY). Haddie made a five second cameo and told Max she loved him and he didn't care. ( I know they were being realistic with the Aspburgers, but couldn't they have just given us ONE moment of emotion from him there?) Speaking of Max, he danced with a girl! Take that, Dylan! What am I missing? 

Like how I haven't mentioned Sarah and Hank's wedding at all? That's only because I don't have much to say about it. It was super sweet. I like Hank. I like Sarah and Hank together. I like that Ruby was excited about the marriage and was being nice. The wedding was pretty. That's about it. 

Well, this is it. No more Parenthood ever. It's going to take a while for this to set in for me, I think. All-in-all, Parenthood was not a perfect show, but it was very close. I don't think I've ever watched a show that's so realistic and touching in my life, not to mention the cast was absolutely perfect. You didn't feel like you were watching a scripted show when you watched Parenthood; it was like you were spying on a real family and watching their life in real-time. I'm not sure how any future family dramedy could ever top it. 

What did you guys think of how Parenthood ended? Did it destroy you, or were you emotionally stable? Did you love or loathe any part of it? Was anything missing for you? 


  1. First, I HATED Sarah's wedding dress with a passion--maybe it was the gloves. Maybe it's the fact that I will hate anything that features a Lauren Graham wedding where she's not marring the hunky diner owner Luke Danes. I still never really got into her character in the show after all these seasons. Her character's situation was too close to Gilmore Girls, but yet not, and I never felt like she really developed into a separate character from Lorelei--except I always felt like she was a second rate Lorelei in this show.

    Julia was always the character I liked the most, but the last season and a half or so I couldn't relate to her at all. I totally missed the moment with their 4th baby.

    I did like the one moment during the baseball game (although I was creeped out that they were running all over Zeek's ashes) where Max hugs little Nora (is that her name?) and then hugs her a little tighter. That was the most touching part to me.

    1. I didn't really pay attention to Sarah's wedding dress. There were gloves? No. Just no. That's a good moment to point out, when Max hugged Nora tighter. Maybe Haddie's words weren't completely lost on him after all? I'm almost wondering now that I think about it if the baseball game was overdone because they were trying to balance the sadness of Zeek's death. I would have preferred alive Zeek and about half of that baseball game with no awful singers singing over it.
