Saturday, January 31, 2015

Stacie watches "Red Band Society: The Guilted Age"

I had forgot about this gem of a show.  Seeing it moved to a Saturday night spot also makes me quite sad, because shows don't usually last once the move from a weekday to weekend, but I was excited it's back on.  Why do I like this show?  It reminds me of a young version of Grey's,  but including Octavia Spencer and Mandy Moore.  It is a complete "dramedy",  but balances humor with intense emotions rather well. So, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode...
-Kara is a character I love to hate.  She is the teen filled with hatred, selfishness and angst, but it is played really well.  Tonight, I actually felt bad for her as she wrestled with Hunter possibly dying and leaving her his heart.
-the girl that plays hunters sister is amazing at having breakdown crying moments and o had tears streaming down my face at the end
-Jordy admits to selling drugs, but it is not punished at all (didn't like that part) although I understand the reasoning.
-Emma comes back to the hospital because she passes out and hits her head.  I have loved her storyline because I feel it shows a realistic portrayal of an eatIng disorder.
-of course the ending leaves us crying and feeling like we actually received the bad news that not only did Hunter die, but we find out Leo had scans and his cancer is back but really bad this time.
 Things I don't like...
-although it's been on for months, the time sequence makes it so that it has only been a few weeks
-many of the teens are actually played by a cast well into their twenties, but oh well

It was a great, emotionally wrought episode...yay Fox!

Image from

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