Sunday, January 25, 2015

stacie watches "Resurrection"

Let me start by saying that I have had lot going on, which is why my posts have been delayed.  That being said, here are my thoughts on the shows I love.

I'm starting off today with a show called "Resurrection". This gem of a series airs on ABC on Sunday night's, and although it is amazing, it does not seem to have been given as much attention as it's network counterparts.  Listed below are the reasons I enjoy this sci-fi drama.

1-it has an interesting premise: in the small town of Arcadia people start to come back from the dead.  The show tells the story of the "returned" (those who have resurrected) and how the people close to them deal with it.

2- it is not about zombies, the returned don't eat people or anything, they wake up in a world different from the one they lived in.

3-the stories are touching and emotional because families are being reunited with children that they lost tragically, loved ones are seeing each other after years of separation

4- Regardless of the joy people feel, there is a huge  level of segregation created out of fear, which causes controversy.

-I like that it is a new twist on sci-fi with a touch of drama and intrigue

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