Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Brigette Watches Parenthood, S6/Ep06: "Too Big to Fail"

A bit late than never, but here's what we learned on Thursday's Parenthood:

1) Three months have passed since the last episode, even though it's not summer. That's okay-- I get it. The baby needs to be born in the finale.
2) Jabar wants to go to Hogwarts at Universal (get in line, buddy!!!!)
3) Crosby has been lying to Jasmine about "working late." But he's not been cheating, you guys-- he's been playing candy crush.
4) Dylan is basically an honorary Braverman now.
5) Amber took care of her drunk almost-step sister, so clearly, she will be a good mom. (No sarcasm, seriously.)
6) Drew wants to take all the right classes.
7) Where was Julia?

Okay, I finally understand the purpose of this Ashes of Rome breakdown that's been happening for the last couple of episodes; the Luncheonette is dying. Adam "plan B" Braverman has no plan B. Amber can't get the raise she needs/deserves. I'm not sure where this storyline is going. Either they're going to save the Luncheonette in a miraculous pulling-themselves-up-by-the-boot-straps-musical-montage Mighty Ducks sort of a thing or the business will go under and the family will be pulled in different directions-- literally. Like, people will move for work. The show is ending, so is this gonna be a "things fall apart" or "things come together" scenario? I don't know. What would you rather see?

Can I just say that the most emotional moment of the episode for me belongs to Jasmine and Crosby? Usually, I find Jasmine kind of annoying and domineering, but her reaction to Crosby's lying was kind of remarkable. She said she didn't care about money or the house; she cared about being close to Crosby and having him be a part of the family. He was their "guy." She didn't have to be so nice or understanding, but she was. Jasmine really brought out the "none of it matters as long as we're together" business. This scene made me believe in true love and loyalty, and basically, I wanted to marry it.

Someone else who's usually annoying but was kind of not on Thursday is Julie, Drew's girlfriend. Can I just say for a minute that I can't stand Julie? She thinks she's so cool and for that very reason, she's gross. If you don't get what I mean by that, I'm sorry, but that's the best rationale I can give. But when Julie told Drew that nothing he was doing in college mattered because no one looks at transcripts and no one's hiring anyway, I got this sinking feeling like… yep. Considering I teach college, I shouldn't (and don't) think that's it useless, but we do live in a pretty crap economy right now, huh? Still, I feel like if Drew wants to be the one person in his immediate family who isn't a screw up, he can totally do it.

How are we feeling about Ruby? I thought the family game night scene was great. Not because it was great, but because it highlighted what Ruby didn't have. For all her hatred of family togetherness, it was clear in that scene that not being close to her parents is actually a real source of pain for her. I loved the convo Ruby had with Amber after the night of drunkenness. The "I was worse than you" and "being close to my mom took work" and "cut your dad some slack" was exactly what Ruby needed to hear from exactly the right kind of person. I was a little bummed that Amber didn't get any credit for Ruby's sudden good behavior, cus the girl could use a win.

Remember how her parents forgot
her birthday & went to Monte Carlo?
How are we feeling about Dylan? I've decided that I like her. I couldn't tell if she was telling the truth though when she told Christina that her parents were always wanting to do things with her and getting all up in her grill. Was it supposed to be obvious that they were never around? Is Dylan starting to remind anyone else of Chica from Troop Beverly Hills? No? You know who else was in Troop Beverly Hills? Craig T. Nelson.

I feel like even though Dylan told Max that he has nice eyes and she is being sweet to him, the likelihood that she will ever like him above a 2.5 is dwindling. I'm kind of thinking along Christina's lines: Dylan just likes the Bravermans. She likes Max too, but not in a romantic way. I'm very curious to see where this one goes, even though I think it's gonna be painful and will probably result in some type of Max explosion.

What did you think of Thursday's episode? What will all of this lead to, people?


  1. I liked Jasmine a lot in this episode, too--but I usually like her--the HP birthday party was so fun! I want a magical backyard with a sorting hat in it, too. I do not like Ruby. I'm tired of shows adding more angsty teens to the cast--and it seems to happen in pretty much every show I watch. Also, it's too reminiscent of Gilmore Girls for me--where Lauren Graham's fella has a teenage daughter showing up in his life (even though she's not an angsty teen) and it tests their relationship and the mother is concerned about the child being around the new girlfriend. I just can't take it. I'm pretty sure Dylan was lying about her parents being with her all the time--I am not entirely sure how she's become such a snuggly "let me watch movies with you and play with Nora" person when she was kind of a jerk in her first few episodes, though--it seems like a big switch in her personality. And what is she actually doing at this school? It's not an alternative school where "bad kids" who get kicked out of their other schools go to, so why is she there?

    1. I think Dylan probably has some type of autistic-learning-difference something or other as well, but yeah, it would be nice if they would explain that! This show. I think that we should throw our own HP party. I'm VERY inspired! But I feel like all that HP gear would have gotten expensive too.

    2. Unless each child was responsible for his/her own HP gear--then I guess Jasmine and Crosby only had to do some decorations and Jabar's costume. But it certainly looked like they spent a pretty penny!
