Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stacie watches Castle S6 E6 "The Time of our Lives"

Castle and Beckett finally tie the knot!  After a few false attempts at a wedding, it finally pans out at the end of this episode.  Before we talk too much about that however, I want to talk about my thoughts on the show this week...

-It started out with one of my favorite quotes of the season "Maybe my subconscious has a pressing need to catch up on my Facebook likes" which Castle says after struggling with insomnia for the past 4 nights and not getting much sleep.
-Throughout the ridiculous (yet Castle-esque) story , Castle is thrust into a dimension where he and Beckett never met.  Although I thought most of this story to be comical, I just wanted them to get married!  
-I really liked how Martha was the one who was incredibly was a good switch for me for a second to realize that I liked her to have her time to shine.
-Beckett being the youngest captain ever was pretty cool, but she wasn't happy, which brings me to the fact that she never found the person responsible for killing her mom.  I thought that it was cool that they included that, because that case is a big part of why Castle and Beckett end up together.
-I loved when Castle was trying to "wake-up" from what he thought was a dream by dunking his face in water multiple times.
-I was kind of sad that Alexis and Castle were no longer close, but I loved this quote by Castle...
"Sweetie everything you do matters...every moment, ever decision you make effects the people around you and changes the world in a million imperceptible ways"

All in all, I found the episode quite enjoyable and am so happy that they finally got are my thoughts on the wedding...
-I liked that it was intimate and only their family
-It seemed a little cheesy (even for me) with the sky that looked quite fake.
-I loved their vows
My very last thing on the subject...
WHY WAS KATE WEARING PANTS?! This baffled me, and still does.  I realize she has gone through her fair share of wedding dresses, but come on...pants.  Don't get me wrong on this one, I thought the outfit was cute, but I was expecting her to be all decked out and was kinda sad when she wasn't.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and the fact that they finally got hitched! Is she going to be referred to as Kate Castle? Kate Beckett-Castle?  I guess only time will tell on what everyone will call her.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a relief that they finally got married! Castle is one of the few shows I watch where they don't keep pulling the people who belong together apart permanently! But I agree--THOSE PANTS! Ick. I mean, I know she was pressed for time, but if she had time to find a white pants outfit, she could have found a nice evening dress--even if it wasn't white. I guess they were better than wedding dress #1, which was disgusting in my opinion, but her mother's dress was so perfect for her that I'm heartbroken it got ruined in the last wedding attempt.
