Monday, November 10, 2014

Brigette Watches Parenthood, S6/Ep7: "These Are the Times We Live In"

What we learned on Thursday's Parenthood:

1) Kristina and Adam abandoned their children and granted Amber  guardianship.
2) Hank's solution to social awkwardness is to tell everyone he has Aspergers.
3) Zeek wants to be BFFs with Drew, and Drew is annoyed.
4) I am NEVER getting a divorce. I actually said that out loud after watching the Joel and Julia elevator scene, which DESTROYED ME. Then I said, "Well Brigette, you have to be married first, and you're not even close to that! Hahah!" Cry face?

So let's start with Joel and Julia, shall we? And more importantly, let's start with Sam Jaeger. There are not enough expletives to positively convey how intensely he is bringing his performance. I am feelin' him in every scene. I am feelin' him so much so that I have to remind myself of Joel's behavior last season. Yes, both Joel and Julia were equally frustrating, and yes, Julia lied about kissing Roy (Ed) (David Denman), but Joel was basically the one who ended it. He was the one who left, got a new apartment, all of that. And now that the divorce papers are signed, he's like, "I'm gonna drive to Julia's house and tell her I'm fighting for her." I don't know. Is this Better Late Than Never, or is it Are You Freaking Kidding Me?!

I feel like a Joel and Juila reconciliation is on the horizon. Not just because we all want it at this point (I think), but because of the treatment that Julia's boyfriend is getting. See, I don't even know his name; that's how unimportant he is to me. We know he's nice and he's hot, which is a great combo, don't get me wrong, but otherwise, we have no attachments to him. He's just a hot complication that will force Julia to really make a conscious choice with consequences either way… which might be just what she needs.

Moving on…despite my snarky wording for #2, I actually thought that scene where Hank apologized and explained himself to his ex-wife was really nice. It wasn't just a nice thing of him to do for her, but nice for Ruby, and in a way, for himself. It really seemed to be a moment of healing. But just because Hank can apologize for his social and emotional defuncts does not mean that he can prevent them from causing problems in the future. How awful and awkward was it when he DIDN'T invite Sarah to come along with Ruby & Ex-Wife to get frozen yogurt?! Ah! Sarah explained what the "movie fight" was actually about so that Hank could fix it, and then that's the thanks she gets. Nice guys finish last, eh? Are we worried about Ex-Wife weaseling her way back in, or do we think this is all just a learning curve in having a healthy "broken" family? Do we think this episode foreshadows Sarah and Hank breaking up? I'm doubting it myself-- we've only got a few more months to go afterall! But you never know.

So there's this rumor going around that someone on Parenthood is going to die and everyone thinks it's Zeek. The Drew storyline didn't really calm my fears on this one, since Julie was basically prophesying that Drew should enjoy quality time with a grandfather who almost died. (Don't think this means I like Julie now.) If someone has to die though, I mean, wouldn't you want it to be one of the older cast? Otherwise, it would be way too cruel. But for the record, I don't want ANYONE TO DIE. I'm hoping it's just Max's dog Otis. Or Ashes of Rome guy. Basically, anyone who I don't know.

What did y'all think of the episode? What were Jasmine and Crosby doing this week? Which scenes destroyed you or confused you? (I didn't mention the Joel/Zeek scene, but TEARS!) Do you feel like all of this is leading to something predictable, or not so much? Do you never want to watch a couple get divorced on TV again? I sure don't.


  1. I'm really conflicted about the Julia/Joel situation. I feel like the show will bring them back together, because that's what most people want, but from day one they NEVER KNEW HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER. That drives me crazy. Also, it's another example of the guy messing up and crawling back and whining until he gets his way. I never felt chemistry between Julia and Joel. I'm not pro-divorce, but I might be pro THEIR divorce. They make each other miserable.

    1. Dagnabit Anne, you speak the truth! They WERE always horrible to watch together, and their communication was INFURIATING! There was a time when I was really rooting for their divorce. I feel manipulated by musical cues, lighting, and good acting. If they get back together, it better be earned!

    2. Yeah--we totally regretted rooting for their divorce when we saw how it destroyed Sidney, though. I don't think it's good karma to root for them to stay away from each other since it turned out so terribly for us last time! I kind of like him better without her. And I totally agree that they were terrible communicators. But I don't want him to totally be written out of the show because he's nice to look at.

  2. I would rather have ANYONE ELSE BUT OTIS DIE. You should know better than to suggest the dog die when you know you're crazy dog-lady friend is reading ;)

    Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I still think Crosby is going to die. It might not be internal bleeding after all, but It's going to happen some way, some how. Secretly--and I probably shouldn't put this out there on the internet for the world to see--I wish it was going to be Max. Or maybe Sidney--she's become pretty awful this season. But I guess I shouldn't wish for a child to die, so I'll just go with my gut and stick with Crosby. As awful as it was for Hank to not invite Sarah, I still can't care about them. I don't care if Hank gets back with ex-wifey. I don't care if he and Sarah and ex-wifey and Ruby form one big happy family. I just don't care. Regardless of whether Julia and Joel get back together (which is another thing I no longer care about), I think things are ending with nameless boyfriend. I'm totally with Drew's annoyance--even if Gramps is getting old and sickly--he's in school, he has a big test, a 5-hour road trip is impractical--invite him to dinner, invite him over to have a beer in the backyard because they've done that before, or do what Drew did in the end and just go to the shoot range for an hour or two, but don't ask the one person in the family who feels like has to take care of everyone else in his crazy family to go on a 5-hour excursion that ends up being pointless. I was for sure they'd get arrested when Zeke pulled that gun out in the parking lot.

    1. SORRY ABOUT MY OTIS COMMENT, BETH! Never again! I think it's funny that you've been completely convinced that Crosby is going to die pretty much since the season began. I'm not really sure why you're stuck on this, but it's starting to freak me out. What if you're right? Will we have to give you some sort of award or just declare you psychic? And I agree about Drew and Zeek! College is ALL CONSUMING and five hours is a LONG TIME. I was having flashbacks to times when I would go from one book to the next and forget to shower. Poor Drew. Let's hope Zeek is over it. Question: would it be okay with you if Hank and Ruby died in a drive by after getting frozen yogurt?

    2. Yes! That would be a completely satisfying death. Or, as much as I love Lauren Graham, I would be ok if she kicked the bucket and we finally had an end to her endless quest for love. I'm not really sure why I'm stuck on Crosby, either, but I think it's because he's one of the few characters I consistently like and don't get annoyed by, so I feel like his death would be most tragic. I was definitely having some serious anxiety about studying during the scenes with Drew, too!
