Monday, November 24, 2014

Brigette Watches Parenthood, S6/Ep9: "Lean In"

I'm still traumatized by Thursday's Parenthood, and I'm especially traumatized that we won't know what happens next until January. But maybe that's for the best, so that I am not crying over Christmas.

What we learned:

1) Dylan's awful parents are actually more reasonable than Kristina and Adam.
2) Drew's family just craps all over him, don't they?
3) Okay, I'm in love with Jason Ritter as much as the next lady, but this storyline again? Seriously? Not even worth commenting on.
4) Nothing turns people on more than divorce papers.
5) Crap. Zeek's gonna die, isn't he?

Let's start with #4. Okay, as soon as I saw Julia's face when Joel opened his apartment door, I knew they were going to hook up. And I was correct. I've been watching TV long enough to know that even though Julia was shakily holding those divorce papers, the exact opposite of what she wanted to have happen would be happening. How do we feel? I honestly don't know. One minute I want them back together, and the next minute I'm so mad at Joel for choosing now to fight for his family. I know the show has romantic lighting and emotional music, but if this were real life and I were Julia, I would be thinking, "Okay, so when are you going to completely destroy me next time?" How could you fix that broken trust? I almost feel like if they divorced and it were ten years later, a reconciliation may feel less off, but the wounds here are too fresh. I'm glad I'm not actually Julia and I'm glad I'm not the writers either, because even though putting them back together would give us happy smiles, it might be spreading kind of a weird message.

Latest Parenthood conspiracy theory, concocted with my friend Beth:

Moving on to #1. Even though Dylan's parents were annoying, and I didn't like that they were threatening to take her out of Chamber's Academy, thank god that they finally brought a sane perspective to all of this. Was Max ever punished for his outburst/stalking/flyers-calling-for-expulsion, they asked? No. Why weren't Dylan's feelings taken more into consideration? Why was everything about protecting Max? As uncomfortable as that screaming scene in the hall was, I didn't feel bad for Adam and Kristina at all, because they so had that coming.

I did appreciate them in the scene in Max's room later that night though. Saying that the whole drama was partially their fault for not explaining that the scale of affection is sometimes fixed was great. But honestly, do outsiders have to scream at yell for them to be more honest with Max? Being more direct with him is helpful, not harmful. In any event, I'm glad with how all of that ended, but now I'm curious as to what the writers are going to do with Dylan.

Okay. Time for Zeek stuff. Sad face.

I was mad at Zeek for getting mad at Drew for telling Camile about the secret trip. It did not help to see the tears in Drew's eyes when Zeek told him how disappointed he was. SERIOUSLY, Zeek? Drew told Camile not because he cares about her more, but because he doesn't want to contribute to something that might KILL HIS GRANDFATHER. Ahhh isn't anyone just there for Drew? Gross Julie doesn't count.

I loved the scene when Zeek told Camile the whole truth; her reaction was adorable, and the whole idea of the trip was beautiful. It was too adorable and beautiful to last, apparently, because the last image we were left with was Zeek whispering in bed for Camile to call an ambulance. That just destroyed me. Isn't that a reoccurring nightmare that most people have? You're screaming and no one can hear you? That was basically happening to Zeek right then, and in the comfort of his own bed, of all places. So scary and sad. I bawled my eyes out.

Okay y'all, what did you think about Thursday's Parenthood? What do you expect will happen when the show resumes in January, and what do you want to happen? Any Parenthood conspiracy theories to share?

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think I've shared most of my thoughts on this episode with you already--honestly, I have very few thoughts. I am at the point where I don't really care about what happens with Julia and Joel. I really don't care about Sara and her many men. I am very sad for Drew--his last memory of his grandpa is going to be of him saying he's disappointed! Unless the writers really are just toying with us and this is just to get us all emotional before my predicted Crosby death ;) But I don't think I can express my delight at the way things went down with Dylan's parents enough! Adam and Kristina needed to hear those things--although I'm a little surprised none of the other parents on this tour really said anything other than looking horrified.
