Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stacie Watches Castle

I decided I would do something a little bit different for my first blog post on this awesome site.  I am going to talk about one of my favorite shows on TV Castle, but rather than talk about a specific episode, I am going to talk about the top 10 reasons I love this show.

Things I love about Castle...

1) It is such a mix of a procedural/drama/comedy with a mix of crime and mystery.
2) Rather than keep then main characters apart despite their obvious interest and chemistry, they end up together and engaged.
3)  Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion do a great job at portraying Kate Beckett and Richard Castle and their performances are full of wit, charm, and emotion.
4) I can always laugh at Esposito and Ryan and their close brotherly relationship that many times end in bickering and competing  (Ex: Fighting for the role as Castle's best man)
5) Castle's daughter Alexis has always acted more like an adult than her father.
6) The character of Martha (Castle's mom) has a flare for the dramatic, which is probably where Castle gets his overly dramatic personality.
7) Castle always has an exaggerated explanation for the motives and methods of crimes.
8) The series plays homage to Nathan Fillion's prior role in the extremely popular yet short lived sci fi series Firefly.
9) The season finals (and many of the episodes themselves) leave the viewer in nail biting anticipation to the dramatic conclusion.
10) One of the best parts of this show to me is that they have a strong female lead who happens to be a very prominent detective and her "partner" is a mystery author.  I love that she is at the helm of everything and is seen as an authority figure of sorts.


  1. Castle is the best! I love how Castle's exaggerated explanations are often not all that far off from the real explanation (ex. his complete belief in the invisible man or the ninjas). Even when the show gets goofy and exaggerated--like a random toy factory guy owning a drug dog, which I'm pretty sure you can't just buy somewhere and I know from doing odor training with my dog that he couldn't train it to do that in just a couple weeks--I don't even care that it's unrealistic because it's just pure fun. I like that they have a good balance of the fun silly episodes and the super intense spooky ones! Speaking of spooky, what did you think of the 3D printer one last week? Was it just me or was that kind of terrifying?

    1. Yes I agree with the 3D printer! I love this show for many reasons as you can see, but one of my favorites is definitely last years thanksgiving episode and the invisible man one from this year. I'll be watching tonight when they get married and post about it this week!
