Sunday, November 16, 2014

Brigette Watches Parenthood, S6/Ep8: "Aaron Brownsein Must Be Stopped"

What we learned this week on Parenthood:

* Ruby is a terrible daughter
* Hank is a terrible father
* Max is a terrible son
* Kristina is a terrible mother
* Crosby is a terrible husband

Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic here, but everyone annoyed me in this episode, mainly because characters were being too nice to the characters who were being awful. One thing that repeatedly bothers me on this show is how nice the parents are to the kids, no matter how bratty they're being. We've seen this happen a million times with Sidney. She can scream at Joel and Julia, bully a kid at school, and it's all "Hey Syd" "Hey honey" "Let's talk about this." Oh my god.

So, let's begin with the Ruby situation. Ruby convinces Hank that she can stay home alone by herself, even calls him to say she's great and adds an "I love you," then Hank does a casual drive by and sees that she's having a party. This isn't just a gathering of a few friends. It looks like the whole high school is there, complete with drinks & drugs. And Hank doesn't want to break up the party because he and Ruby are finally in a good place. ??????

I tried to understand this. I did. Hank has had a horrible relationship with Ruby for most of her childhood, and the work that it took to get along will take a huge set back. I also understand having a hard time calling out family members who you love dearly, even as you are being disrespected. Been there. But I've never been there to THIS degree. I was proud of Hank when he said, "You manipulated me!" But I wish he had kept going. Yell more, Hank. Don't look so sad when Ruby says she hates you.  You deserve to be really really, really mad. Ruby sucks.

But the Ruby situation is not even half as annoying as the Max situation.  Max sees Dylan kissing another boy and is furious. Not only does he pass out flyers calling for the kid's expulsion, but he also starts physically fighting the kid, which results in him PUSHING Kristina--not just his mom--the principal. Kristina's response? She takes him in her office and it's all "Hey buddy" this and "hey buddy" that. When Max asks if he's going to get in trouble, Kristina says no. What???

But it doesn't end there. Max makes Dylan a poster expressing his love for her, and then he presents it to her at lunch. When Dylan tells him to stop repeatedly, Max won't back down. Eventually, he freaks out and runs out of the school, across traffic, Kristina in hot pursuit.

Kristina's response? "I'm so proud of you buddy" "That took so much courage, buddy" "I know it hurts, buddy." I tried to understand this too. Kristina is amazed that her son actually expressed affectionate feelings. Kristina is hurt that he is hurt. But listen. Your kid has a disorder which makes his social skills weak. If you tell him that his aggressive behavior is brave and that there's something wrong with the girl who isn't responding, guess what he will do the next time he likes a girl? Present her a poster. Fight a kid in the halls. Scream "why don't you like me" (or something to that degree) in public. Help him understand why all of that didn't work. I've never raised a child with Aspergers, so maybe I shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion here. But regardless, the fact remains that Kristina is not just Max's mom, but his principal, and letting him get away with so much at school is irresponsible and ridiculous.

Crosby was annoying in this episode too. He's furious that Jasmine's mother knows they're having financial problems because it makes him feel emasculated. He decides to yell at Jasmine about this, who again, is being too nice back. "We're in this together. Why don't you understand that?" You're right, Jasmine. You're allowed to be a little more angry that he doesn't understand that. Then, when Crosby and Amber go to a club to find a new band to potentially sign, the bouncer stops Crosby for trying to bring in weed. Crosby's response? Throw a fit. Last I checked, weed is still illegal in CA, so, maybe just say "okay," go put it in your car, and get back in the long ass line? Ugh. So annoying. Everyone is just so annoying. At least Amber's Braxton's Hicks put an end to all of that.

What did you think of Thursday's episode and all the "brattiness" and all the "niceness"? Am I being too harsh? Not harsh enough? Anything else about this episode that struck you?


  1. We've already discussed my annoyances with this episode, but basically this episode is exactly why I will never have children. Every single one of the brats--including Crosby--probably would have benefited from a spanking in addition to a stern talking to, but I think that's frowned upon in today's parenting world. I'm just glad we didn't have to see Sidney in this episode. Did we even see Julia at all? That's a little weird considering the ending of the previous episode.

    1. We DIDN'T see Julia, but when I went to the P'Hood website to get these pics, there were pictures of her and her boyfriend, like there was a storyline that was cut. So bizarre. And honestly, they never even GROUND kids on this show. It's amazing that Ruby did--was she the first? Sydney needs boot camp.

    2. They ALL need bootcamp! I would have sent Max there in a heartbeat. That might not be socially acceptable either, but I don't think he learned anything from this debacle. Or maybe Ruby's mother needs to give parenting lessons to the Braverman clan because she seems to be the only one who can dish out any sort of punishment.

    3. AND I'm still just really mad about poor Dylan. I mean, basically, the message stupid old Kristina sent Max is that if you like a girl, she has to like you back and if she doesn't, there's something wrong with her--like she's villainized Dylan for not liking her kid (who was actually really creepy and intense in this episode) when Dylan is clearly a kid who has a rough life--I mean her parents let her bike to their house in the dark! and spend the night at a boy's house when they've never met the parents!--and now she's being made into a horrible person just because she doesn't like this boy, like girls are supposed to be flattered and reciprocate any feelings a boy might show towards them. When really, Dylan is the only reason Max quit fighting his parents about going to school in the first place and she's been more than patient and kind to him and shouldn't have to grow up to be a spinster just because Max likes her and she doesn't like him. I feel better now.

    4. RIGHT. The whole thing about Kristina's regards to Dylan concerned me. This is NOT how women should be treated. It is NOT admirable to relentlessly peruse a woman and scream in her face. It shouldn't all be about being sensitive to Max's problems. Max is already the center of his own world, and his mother should help him learn how to consider the feelings a woman might have and how to be respectful!
