Sunday, April 19, 2015

Brigette Watches American Idol. Or does she?

Okay, I know I was the one who said months ago that if you don't enjoy watching American Idol, you're watching it wrong, and I stand by this, but I haven't really been watching American Idol. No one is more surprised by this than me. So what's different? As far as the contestants go, not much. Our top 12 gave us all the usual suspects: quirky-artsey, pretty-face-pretty-voice-pretty-boring, better in Hollywood rounds, and country. The judges panel is one of the best, if not THE best they've ever had. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized why the show isn't grabbing me this year. While American Idol has always been cheap, it's now cheap, dirty, and sad. American Idol is that Facebook friend who has low self-esteem and dates down, in front of everyone, on Facebook.

Reason #1: Contestants have the same number week to week, so you don't even have to watch the episode to vote. Ideally, this seems like a good idea, right? Because what if you can't watch one night, or what if you're distracted and don't catch the number when it flashes on the screen? I think what I don't like is that it makes itself look desperate. I know you won't watch, Idol says, but I'll still get some votes this way. You don't have to give me the attention I deserve as long as it's some, because some attention is better than none.

Reason #2: American Idol isn't asking us to wine and dine it anymore. Each week is now a cheap one-night stand. I thought that I would really like this change, because dedicating two nights to one show is challenging. In an age where people RARELY watch TV live, everything is a question of "how much time do I want to give this?" But what's being sacrificed is the natural pacing. There's no separation between "showcase night" and results. Everything is high-intensity all the time. Every SINGLE episode, the contestants and the audience are jolted. The chairs light up. It's sort of disorienting, like too much is going on. Wow, I sound like an elderly person right now. But seriously, it ain't like back in my day.

Reason #3: The Twitter save. Okay, I hate this. At first, it seems MORE fair, right? Because their last performance can count. But I feel like it's sort of a cheat. We ALREADY decided who was going home. Why are we deciding again? What if a large chunk of the audience doesn't have a Twitter, but they voted a million times the week before? It's like that doesn't even count. And speaking of which, the two-hour-power-dailing frenzy is part of the Idol culture. The Twitter save kills that part of the urgency while adding this weird you-have-to-hashtag-bomb-in-this-little-window-of-time urgency. This is what you said you wanted from me, Idol tells us, but are you sure? I'll give you one more chance-- during a time when I doubt you're even listening anyway.

I got your back, girl.
I don't know, maybe this analogy is wrong. Maybe I just don't like change and the producers are doing the best they can to keep the show relevant. Maybe it IS the contestants after all. I must admit, the only  albums I'd buy are Joey's and Jax's. I'm actually surprised that those two made it as far as they did considering the show usually talks big about "making things your own" but then discourages risks at the comment table. I thought for a moment maybe the show was changing in a way that could be good, in a way where a Joey could win, but nah. That part of the show is the same. (Joey will certainly have a post-Idol future though, which I'll follow.) If Jax leaves, it's going to be seriously difficult for my interest to stay at all.

People treat you the way you expect to be treated. Idol expects you not to care, expects you to lack patience, expects you to be bored, and gives you second chances you didn't want or earn. The show has turned into a flashy, two-hour apology. And I, in turn, am feeling like the show is less valuable.

So what do all of you think? Is this season not grabbing you either, or are you totally feelin' it? Do you think the producers are doing the best they can with the changing television climate? Do you think Idol's time is up no matter what?

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