Monday, April 6, 2015

Stacie watches TOO MUCH TV (Scorpion, Mysteries of Laura, Forever, Fresh off the Boat, Castle, Bones, and OUAT)!

Too tired to put all the TV show pics on here so for tonight I'm just putting a pic of a TV

As pretty much everyone knows, I watch too much TV.  Although I know this fact, a comment last night from my sister-in-law made me realize that I not only watch too much TV, I know way too much about it.  My brother was mad because his shows haven't been on the past few weeks, and I nonchalantly respond with "Well, they just had February sweeps so they are taking a break for a little while before spring finale season arrives."  Everyone just kinda looked at me and my sister-in-law started laughing and shaking her head.  Ok, so it is very true that I watch TV and that I know A LOT about it.  So instead of my usual blog post about one specific show, I decided I would talk about all the shows I have been watching lately...

First off, let me say that my favorite new shows of this year are as follows...
Scorpion, Forever, The Mysteries of Laura, and Fresh off the Boat. I like them all for varying reasons, but the commonality they all share is that they are brilliantly written and unique.  What makes them unique?? 

Scorpion is about a group of social awkward geniuses who work for homeland security.  In order for them to do their job, they need Paige (Katharine McPhee) to be their voice of reason as well as show them how to react to aspects of life in an empathetic manner.  No, this is not a dramatic version of "The Big Bang Theory" (although I love that show), it is based on a true story and is brings something unique to the 2014/2015 season.

Forever is one of my new faves because it combines mystery, medical, and historical fiction simultaneously.  Henry is the main character in this, and is played by the very attractive Ioan Gruffudd.  It centers around the fact that Henry does not age and has been alive for over 200 years.  Combining  his life now, with his life in the past is like a brilliant version of "Cold Case".

Both of these new shows is getting renewed (I'm constantly looking this stuff up on the "renewal scorecard"), but my 3rd favorite getting renewed is looking like a long shot. Why do I like "The Mysteries of Laura"? First of all, it is hilariously real, quirky and authentic.  Second, it has one of my favorite actresses Debra Messing in it.  Why is this not getting renewed?

"Fresh Off the Boat" is a comedy based on true life.  It is about a family who immigrated from China and are raising their 3 young boys.  I don't know why this show cracks me up so much, but it makes me laugh hysterically every time I watch it!  It is also set in 1995, so it gives me some feelings of nostalgia.  The kids that act in it are amazing and have perfect comedic timing.

In other TV show news, I have been fully intrigued with the spring seasons of "Once Upon a Time", "Bones" and the return of "Castle" since it's winter hiatus. Here are my thoughts on these 3 amazing dramas...

Once Upon A Time
Until I began to watch this show when it premiered, I was always such a fan of happy endings. I wanted what most people thought of when they read/watched/thought of Fairy Tales, which is that the heroes win and the villains lose.  As I have watched the current season of OUAT however, I am surprisingly reveling in the fact that this show has proven that people can change, forgiveness is essential, and that regardless of the mistakes you make, you can still have a "happy ever after".

So glad that this show it back! I love last weeks episode with Dr. Brennan getting a Twitter account and taking selfies.  I also love the fact that I happen to have her on my Twitter feed, and that she actually tweeted.  One of the main reasons I love Bones is that it never ceases to be anything different.  Although they made me sad this year by killing off Sweets (FYI John Francis Daly wanted to pursue other things), they stay consistent with their storylines, characters, and relationships which I appreciate.
Last weeks episode of Castle "Habeas Corpse" was so entertaining that I actually have watched it multiple times.  What made it so funny?  Esposito and Ryan dancing completely made that episode.  They made me laugh so hard when they were practicing in an interrogation room, and also when they were finished at the end and Espo had light up shoes.  I also really love the Beckett and Alexis dynamic this season because it seems very authentic.

As much as I would like to write more, it is going to have to wait because I am exhausted.  I will however update very soon! 

Happy TV watching!

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