Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stacie watches "Once Upon a Time: Sympathy for the De Vil"

Ok...not gonna lie this is probably the most disturbing episode I have seen of OUAT.  They usually have some darker moments, but this week was the icing on the cake.  Here are my thoughts...

-You think Cruella has a heartbreaking past...she was locked away most of her life by her evil mom and you feel sorry for her.  That cruelty is real and we see that later.
-I knew from the beginning that Emma would end up turning "dark" in this episode, mostly because she looked like she was ill throughout the episode because she was so pale and her eyes were dark.
-Yay Regina and Belle getting to Rumple!
-Back to Cruella...most of the villains on the show have a past that includes unfair treatment and them being the victim of something horrible.  This episode with Ms. De Vil is different...she is the one who started with cruelty at a young age.  I would say that she is most likely a sociopath...after she kills her mom by using the Dalmatians and then then wears her coat.
-I felt bad how she tricked the author, but I was grateful he turned the story so that she would never be able to kill anyone.
-I know that heroes are not supposed to be able to kill (which separates them apart from the villains), but Cruella was truly going to try to kill Henry (regardless if she can or not) and as a mother Emma was protecting him.  Regardless of whether or not she was trying to do something good, she is going to face the consequences in the long run.

So, I thought the episode was creepy, yet good:)

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