Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stacie watches "Secrets and Lies"

I have yet to post about this extraordinary new show/miniseries, but after Sunday night's episode, I thought I would do a post about it.  The shows centers around what looks like a normal, child friendly neighborhood that is suddenly the root of a murder investigation.  The murder victim is a 6 year old boy named Tom who was found dead in the woods by a man named Ben.  The whole series centers around finding Tom's killer and is as much of a psychological thriller as it is a mystery.  There is much room for character development since each aspect of the case is displayed. Most think that the killer is Ben, who found out that Tom was his son from a long ago affair.  The detective is constantly around the corner watching to see if it really is Ben they need to be worrying about.  Other people have been suspects, but for whatever reason have been omitted.  Of course, it is not Ben that is the killer, and the real killer will be revealed next week, but this show has done such a good job of making you think and trying to look at the clues that would lead to the real murderer.  I would highly recommend this to anyone!

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