Sunday, April 12, 2015

Stacie's Once Upon a Time top 10

I love this show so much!  It is so cleverly written and the acting is amazing.  What other show could take you into the modern world of fairy tales while at the same time projecting to an enchanted fortress where the magic and mysteries of life (pre-storybrooke) unfold.  Instead of talking about the episode so much (which of course I loved, tonight is all about the top ten reasons I love this show...
1} There is such a wide variety of stories that can be told, which enables the characters varying plot lines.
2} The family tree is crazy!  First off, you have Snow and Charming who are the same age as their daughter is currently, which is crazy in itself.  Then Mr. Gold happens to be Henry's grandpa and of course Peter Pan is Gold's dad.  That is just come of the family dysfunction that occurs.
3) I have said this before, but will say it again, I love how sometimes the villains want to be heroes and have a happy ending.
4) I think Hook and Robin Hood are extremely attractive.
5)There is always a huge plot line that is revealed d in a crazy way (i.e. the Peter Pan thing)
6) The character I love most use to be the  "Evil Queen"
7) How cool are the costumes???
8) No matter how evil a person may seem, it is always different when you get a glimpse of their past and understand why they are the way they are.
9) There are happy ever afters even for those who have made mistakes.
10) They cast the most amazing people to portray our childhood favorites.

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