Monday, November 23, 2015

Stacie watches "Supergirl" "Castle" and "Grey's Anatomy"


Up Up and away! It's Supergirl!  The new drama on CBS is actually a hit in my book.  At first, I thought it was pretty cheesy, and although it does have that quality, I kind of like it even more.  There are few shows out there nowadays that have a little bit more innocence, and I like that this show is not all about promiscuity.  I also love the story of Superman and watched "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" growing up.  I love that supergirl (aka Kara) wants to save the world, but has quite a bit to learn.  I also love how they throw in Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane (Lois' sister) and other characters from Superman into the mix.  Not only do I love the story line, but I think the cast is awesome and is a very big mix of actors/actresses.  Supergirl/Kara is played by Melissa Benoist, who was in the last few seasons of "Glee".  The adoptive sister who works with an agency to monitor and protect against alien attacks is none other than Chyler Leigh, most widely recognized as Lexi Grey from Grey's anatomy.  Calista Flockhart is at the center of it all as Cat Grant, and Mehcad Brooks who plays Jimmy Olsen had a starring role on the series "Necessary Roughness"  Altogether, making a perfectly unique cast.

I love when shows develop layers, and I feel that this show adds a little each time.  The fact that Cat had a son was surprising and adds a new layer of emotion to the seemingly cold Cat.  The thing I find funny on this show as well as other super hero shows/movies/comics is that they are never discreet with what they wear to make themselves seem "normal".  Take for instance both Superman and Supergirl's use of glasses to hide themselves from the world.  They are close to people that seem to know them, but those people can't figure out that they are just wearing glasses? At least Batman is so covered you don't know he is Bruce Wayne! 

Anyway, I think this show has promise and I hope that it lasts!


Ah Castle...a show that has been my favorite for quite sometime has actually went down on my list of favorites this season until today!  I was getting very sick of Beckett and Castle not being together and it was almost making it so I didn't want to watch anymore, but today they came back to each other.  I love how it happened in such "Castle" fashion.  Castle finds out that Beckett has been keeping a huge secret from him and he is undoubtedly hurt.  He tells Beckett how she should've trusted him regardless of whether or not she wanted to protect him.  I loved the whole cruise ship thing, especially Castle dancing, but the best part to me was them getting back together and working together to take down the bad guys!


Last weeks episode of Grey's literally left me in tears (which is not too hard to do of course).  The fact that the guy who had been a firefighter for years finally succumbs to his burns and dies right after talking to his wife was more than enough to do me in, but then there was the Alex scene and of course the Amelia stuff.  The Meredith/Amelia stuff made me so angry, probably because Amelia has always been my favorite character from the Private Practice days, and for Meredith to tell her they were not sisters anymore now that Derek died made me furious.  I understand Meredith is still grieving, but it just makes me so mad for Amelia who honestly has nobody left.  At the end of the episode when Amelia decides to drink a vodka tonic, I wanted to scream at the TV...why oh why would Shonda do that??  If you don't know, Amelia was addicted to drugs/alcohol while on private practice.  Her story line was that she was addicted, fell in love with another addict and he died of an overdose.   She goes to rehab and goes through detox, which was honestly one of the most raw episodes of a show I have ever seen as Caterina Scorcone who plays Amelia did a magnificent job. She then finds out that she is pregnant , only to discover that the baby has no brain and only lives a few minutes.  So....having her become an addict again will just make me more mad.

*For the record, I'm kinda annoyed at ABC shows for having their winter finales in November and not being back until the middle of February, I guess I can feel a litttle better since Pretty Little Liars will be back in January, but I feel like ABC is taking it a little too far by having such a big hiatus...can't they just be repeats during December? Why can't we ring in the new year with new episodes?  I understand that the actors/actresses need a hiatus, so I guess I can't complain too much.*

Stacie watches "Scorpion"...and cries like a baby

I would say I don't know what it is about the show Scorpion that is so good, but I of course would be lying.  It is the brilliant acting and equally brilliant story lines that make this show a star in my book.  I know what you are all thinking...Stacie likes pretty much every show, but that is not the case.  I am enthralled with shows that tell magnificent stories, and for at least an hour can allow you a break from reality.  I think that the reason I love this show, is that the social awkwardness of most of the major characters is extremely realistic.  I love how each character has grown since the beginning and how they are learning about a world outside of their norm and learning to move out of their comfort zones.  I love that Paige is the conduit to this group of "brainiacs" learning how to not only to explore their own emotions, but relay those emotions to others.  With all that being said, here are my thoughts on this amazing episode.

Honestly...could the Megan thing have been any more sad?!! I started crying almost from the beginning as I knew that the outcome would probably be her dying before Walter could save her.  There are a few different things I liked from this episode, but one thing that stands out is that at the beginning, Walter and Megan's dad doesn't really mesh with Walter.  He hasn't seem them in forever, and while he has been trying to research life saving techniques for his sister, his dad doesn't really understand.  Although I felt for Walter, I also realized that his father was losing his daughter who in all actuality was the only person who understood his son and how he thought.  It was all about loss, and how everyone experiences things differently.  In the end, we see that they come together to talk about good memories, it just made me sad that they did not develop a relationship.

I loved the Sylvester parts of this episode (he is pretty much my favorite character) because although everything was going wrong around him, he showed that he would not back down....yes he plays with toys and may not be what the O'Brien's were expecting, but he loved Megan and would do anything for her.  Towards the end, when he showed her the lights, I may or may not have been bawling (ok we all know I was).

When Walter and Paige are trapped, I thought it was interesting that the writers didn't have Paige be able to completely get through to Walter.  He was hurting, and the person who usually makes that better couldn't do much. He tells her that his sister was the only person who understood him, and was the filter between him and his parents.  I wanted to shout "YOU HAVE PAIGE! YOU HAVE THE WHOLE SCORPION CREW!  But of course, I realized that sometimes we miss what is right in front of us when we are in pain or experiencing loss. It reminds me of real life, although we can be there when someone is in the midst of tragedy, most of the time we have no way of fixing it.

There is the part with Happy and Toby where he has to choose to save the baby, or be with her.  Of course, he chose to save the baby, but I like that he had to think about it for a second.

Now to the part that I'm sure made everyone cry, when Megan finally passes away.  She talks to Walter and doesn't finish what she says.  They go back to the warehouse, where he unplugs all of his things pertaining to his research, but pulls up a video Megan had taped awhile back telling him not to be afraid to be himself and to love. The fact that the whole group of friends/family were downstairs listening made me even more sad.  As they all go to leave, Walter comes down and starts sharing funny memories, and everyone stays and listens (which we know Megan would've wanted),

Altogether, I think that this show needs to receive an Emmy...or Peoples Choice...or both.  They probably never will, because it is rare that one of my favorite show wins, but I think they deserve it.

So, that's about it on the Scorpion front.  I love this show (as if you couldn't tell) and can't wait until it comes back on.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Brigette Watches The Grinder and Limitless

We're now a month and a half into the new television season, and I've ACTUALLY been watching something new-- two somethings! What's happening?! The Grinder and Limitless both have my heart, but it's not a total slam dunk with either. I'm confused about my feelings for these shows, and I'm wondering if it's only me.

The Grinder

First, the obvious: the cast is amazing. I feel like the show is funny not so much because of the actual lines, but because of how the actors choose to deliver them. And it's really no surprise. Mary Elizabeth Ellis stems from It's Always Sunny, which Fred Savage also directed for years. Fred of course stems from The Wonder Years and is phenomenal and can do anything and I've been in love with him for 25 years (important to note). Then Rob Lowe and Natalie Moralas stem from Parks and Rec, so you've got alumni from three of the best shows of the past thirty years right there. The premise of The Grinder is hilarious as well-- an actor who played a lawyer decides to join his family firm and be a lawyer for real. Too good.

The problem with The Grinder is that so far, it's sort of felt like a one-trick pony. Every episode follows this pattern where Dean takes over one of Stuart's cases, Stuart thinks Dean is going to ruin everything,  but then Dean doesn't, which adds to his own narcism and Stuart's frustration. Cute. But okay, what else can happen? How can that be sustained for seven or eight seasons?

It also irks me that so far, Ellis's Deb is just who Stuart talks to, like she doesn't exist without her family. But again, it's Ellis's line delivery that saves what could easily be a flat, nothing character.

A respite from Grinder's formula came this week, actually, when Dean dated an old girlfriend, played by Christina Applegate. This was the funniest episode so far, and I feel like we finally got to see how this show might develop into something bigger than just playing the same joke over and over. I just hope that they pick this up a little quicker, that they continue expanding so that they don't lose viewers. This cast is too good for just a one season union.


I'm not one for action-y stuff, so I was surprised by how much I instantly liked Limitless. Usually, pilots are not so great, but I feel like the pilot was actually the strongest episode so far.  (Not so sure if that's a good thing?) Of course, it helps that this show was originally a movie, so the basic developmental kinks were already worked out.

The good things about Limitless are obvious: the premise is great. It's speculative enough to be escapist but not so much that it's unbelievable. It's complicated enough to be interesting and to create conflict, but not so complicated that you don't understand what's going on. Brian Finch is lovable, and the actor who plays him-- Jake McDorman-- is basically a carbon copy of Chris Pratt, so much so that I wonder if they actually wrote this part for him.

One issue I have with Limitless is that aside from a few continuing plot threads, each episode revolves around a different crazy case, which is always resolved. I totally get that it's following the CBS formula that many viewers expect, but I was much more engaged in the beginning when there was the feeling of a plot carrying over between episodes. I guess when you know there's going to be resolution at the end of every episode, you're less invested in those secondary characters and the stakes don't feel quite so high; everything we be reset nicely for next week.

I think what bugs me the most though is the underutilization of Jennifer Carpenter. Anyone who watched Dexter knows how amazing of an actress she is. Some of her performances were so raw that they actually made me nauseous. But you wouldn't know what Carpenter is capable of just from watching Limitless. Rebecca doesn't really have much of her own story, or her own personality, for that matter. She's very no nonsense and unemotional-- the opposite of Debra Morgan-- which it totally fine, but can we at least know more of why? She's protective of Brian, and he feels loyal to her, so she's valuable to the audience by default. Okay. She's haunted by the fact that her dad died mysteriously after using NZT, but that's her Dad's story, not hers. Everything is about a dude.

One little thing that we do know about Rebecca is she's dating someone who she's not supposed to be dating since they work together, which will probably be a deterrent in the inevitable blooming romance between her and Brian. Oh, and Rebecca's boyfriend is played by Desmond Harrington-- QUINN. So weird.

So, I decided this is what happened. When Deb died on Dexter, this parallel dimension opened up, and she was reborn as Rebecca. She's still with law enforcement like when she was a Morgan, but now she's with the FBI-- movin' on up. In this life, she's just as calm and in control as she always wished she was but never could be. Deb/Rebecca still gets to be with Quinn. Dexter is no where to give her shit, but she's still taking care of a man with a secret: Brian. Basically, she's in the sideways world on LOST.

Anyway, I digress. I enjoy both of these shows, and I'm very glad they got picked up for full seasons. Usually, new shows don't make it, which is frustrating, so that's a good sign. Neither is exactly "must see" yet, but I feel like they have potential to be. Once they find their legs, they could truly run.

What do the rest of y'all think? What's your take on The Grinder or Limitless? What new show have you started watching? What's with women not having their own story lines on these damn TV shows? I'm totally right about Deb in the sideways LOST world, right? You totally see it now, don't you?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stacie watches Greys "Guess who's coming to dinner?"

This season on Grey's Anatomy shows why I initially fell in love with the show.  I can't believe that it premiered 12 years ago!  It has more of a fun tone mixed with some poignantly intense emotional moments.  As I have said in the past, I love the relationship between Amelia, Meredith, and Maggie because it seems so authentic.  I also have to admit that while I was hesitant to like Maggie when she appeared last season, she has become one of my favorite characters.  All of this being said, here are my thoughts on tonight's episode...

This episode, although it has it's funny moment it wrought with emotion.  The surgeons are having a dinner party thrown by Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia and everything is disorganized and chaotic. Within the first 20 minutes, Amelia is ready to order a pizza, Arizona is drunk, Meredith is off kilter due to the shock of seeing the doctor who was partially responsible for Derek dying, and Maggie heads to the hospital for a UTI.  With Maggie gone, there is nobody to cook dinner, so April finally decides to do the work and appoints Wilson to do the grunt work.  Needless to say, the party is off to a rocky start, which in true Grey's fashion, can only get worse.

Callie invited her new girlfriend Penny who just happens to be "the girl who killed Derek" and it all comes out halfway through the show, when Bailey says that she (Penny) is going to be a new resident at the hospital.  Meredith breaks down and tells the story when all goes to pieces.  

I honestly almost fast forwarded through this part because it was sad and awkward (I know, I'm a loser).  The whole dinner table is silent as poor Penny tries to explain her mistake to not only the whole table, but specifically Amelia who is extremely upset.  Although this part, and the next half of the show left me sad and with tears in my eyes, it was good to see how it affected each person, and the consequences.

First, let's talk about Meredith's reaction, which is closing off and drinking a bit.  She deals with it in her normal way, and talks with Alex (her "person" now) because he is her best friend.

Next we have Amelia (who is probably my favorite character) that feels anger and shock.  She wants to know exactly what happened because she wasn't there when he died.  She cries and gets upset in her Amelia-ish way and goes upstairs to talk to Meredith who tries to explain that while Amelia lost her brother, she (Meredith) lost everything when she lost Derek because she not only lost her husband, but also the father of her children. 

There were a few parts of this whole episode that I thought were best...

#1) Amelia and Owen talking about being perfect/imperfect.: I LOVED this part...especially when Amelia talks about how she vomits her life, while he is always calm and nothing seems to phase him.

#2) I am not usually a huge April/Jackson fan, but I loved when April talks about how she killed a patient in her second year and will never forget about it.  She made a mistake and people make mistakes.

#3) When Maggie is at the hospital because she has a UTI and wants to have all these tests to see if the new intern she was sleeping with gave her an STD, it was funny in a vulnerable/goofy sort of way.  Of course, the resident is the one who is her doctor and in the end she realizes she never gave him a fair chance.

I could go on about this episode, but I'm tired.  I'm glad that Grey's is feeling like it did back in the day because it gives me a little sense of nostalgia.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Stacie watches Premiers Part 2

Here is the second half of my awesome post (I know you all think it is awesome...right?)...where I will give you my opinion on the shows that I like.  Since I like so many shows, I am sure that you will find one out of all of them that you like as well.  So..without further ado, here is some more...


I use to fall asleep every night watching this show.  I have loved it since I started watching it, and still look forward to watching it each week.  First off, I love Bones and Booth...they are two of my favorite characters of all time and their chemistry is undeniable.  Like Castle and The Mysteries of Laura, Bones relies heavily on mystery/forensics but also on humor, which I appreciate.  As we open this season, it looks as if Booth is dead and we find out that it is in fact his brother Jared.  Of course, his friends at the Jeffersonian rally to find and save him.  I love the Jeffersonian and all those who make up the team, but I am sad that Aristu is not there anymore.  I loved his relationship with Cam, and it makes me sad.

Code Black

This show is brand spankin new on CBS this year and stars none other than Marcia Gay Harden who is one of my favorite actresses.  She is on staff at a hospital that deals with many intense situations and is teaching residents how to endure and come out strong from the things they experience.  I would have to say that this is my favorite new show for a few different reasons...#1) It has a strong female lead #2) It is medical #3) It is intense #4) It kinda reminds me of a darker version of Grey's anatomy

Criminal Minds

I'm not a fan of the season thus far for a few reasons, #1) they don't have JJ back from maternity leave yet #2) I feel that the episodes are very similar to other episodes that have been done in the past #3) While I love Aisha Tyler, I am having trouble to adjusting her to not playing a comedic role.  I do however love the cast and will always be a fan of this show.

CSI: Cyber

I love this show so much! As the last CSI spinoff, it has actually captured my attention with the cyber aspect along with the great cast (Patricia Arquette, James Vanderbeek, and Ted Danson.  It is psychological mixed with mystery which is one of my favorite genres.


Gotham is very much frustrating me this season because of its darkness.  I know that it is not a happy show to begin with, but I feel like it got extremely dark.

How to get away with Murder is just not doing it for me this season because I feel like they are making every character too convoluted and mean.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Stacie watches Season Premiers Part 1

Image result for TV

Yes, it has already been a month, but I haven't had a chance to weigh in on the new season of my favorite shows.  Honestly, I have been thinking about what to say about each of my faves for the last few weeks and I think I have finally figured out what to say.  We all know that I watch a lot of TV, so here are my feelings on my ultimate favorites.


As one of my ultimate favorite shows, I thought that the beginning of the season would be all rainbows and sunshine.  Since it had a calm finale, I should've known that the premier of season 8 would be packed with action.  Although the action and suspense of the first few episodes was appealing, the whole Beckett needing to be without Castle as she figures things out makes me so frustrated. I know that there can't be happiness all the time, but come on....


This show just keeps getting better! I love that every episode is not only filled with suspense, but it shows how much the team needs to rely on empathy and compassion along with their intelligence in order to help those in the world that need them.  Team Scorpion only does well, when they have a mix of both and are able to get through things together.

Grey's Anatomy

I have been watching Grey's since season 1 and have gone through my ups and downs with the show.  Some seasons I absolutely love, while others have not been my favorites.  I love this season thus far because it is such a mix of drama and comedy...dramedy.  The relationship between Maggie, Amelia, and Meredith is my favorite.  As they share their struggles and joys with each other, we get to see a new side of the "sisters".  I also love how they are still dealing with Meredith being a widow without doing too much. As much as I liked Derek and know that Meredith is still dealing with feelings of loss and grief, I like that they are not only portraying the sadness.

The Mysteries of Laura

As I may have said before, if you have not seen this show, you are missing out.  This show is so brilliant with it's acting and comedic timing.  Each time I watch, I laugh so hard and many times get tears in my eyes from the dramatic aspects.  Debra Messing is a genius when it comes to acting, she is spot on.  The Mysteries of Laura is a favorite of mine much like Castle and Bones because it combines my two favorite genres with being a mystery and comedy.

Law and Order SVU

Starting its 17th season off right, SVU will always be a go to show for me.  Why is it so good? The fact that it has been on since I was 15 and still holds my interest is a testament to its greatness.  It has lost and gained so many characters throughout its long run, but it continues to stay strong and bring in viewers.  Much of my love for this show is that Mariska Hargitay is still killing it as the leading lady.  Her character has been through so much, and the fact that she is now Lieutenant makes everything even better.

Chicago PD

Initially, I started watching this show because one of my favorite actresses Sophia Bush was going to star on it, and I am now so glad I did.  As is true with any Dick Wolf show, the show is gritty and sometimes dark, but is a crime show at its best.  Sophia Bush shines in the first few episodes as she comes to grip with the darkness she has experienced since Nadia's death which sent her in a downward spiral of drugs, drinking, and partying.

Since my computer is ready to die, I will stop here for now.  Get ready for the next installment soon and as always, enjoy your shows!

Monday, August 31, 2015

VH1 Cancels Hindsight: An American Tragedy

When I heard that VH1 cancelled Hindsight-- after they had previously renewed it-- my first thought was "is this legal?" And my second thought was "of course they did." That doesn't mean that they SHOULD have.
The thing that I sometimes hate about watching TV on the actual TV is how quickly shows are given the boot. If they don't find their audience immediately, if they don't turn over that profit right away, they're gone. It's a frustrating world that doesn't make sense to me, mostly because it doesn't always reflect quality. "This show got cancelled because it sucked" is not something that you can really say anymore. In the age of binge-watching online, broadcast television is more impatient now than it's ever been for what will provide viewers, aka consumers, aka advertising money, in the here and now.

I'm mad that they cancelled Hindsight for the reasons everyone else is-- it ended on a cliffhanger, there's so much mystery left to be solved, etc. etc.,-- but I'm also mad because of the type of show it was. It took place in 1995, and it also kind of felt like 1995. It carried that fun, dramedy, character-driven, soapy-esque type of story telling that used to dominate primetime when I was a youngster. And I loved how focused it was on the music and culture of the 90's. It felt so appropriate for VH1, which to me always seemed like a classier version of MTV. (Or MTV for "old" people? Whatever.)

So VH1 released a statement about the landscape of their programing, how Hindsight didn't fit with what they were trying to achieve, or something like that. Here's what's on VH1 tonight:

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta
Black Ink Crew
She's Got Game

Oh, there's also a preview on their website for Dating Naked!

So basically, instead of quality scripted TV that calls back to the root of what VH1 used to be (a channel about music) they want their channel to not be about music at all, but shitty reality shows that are probably a lot cheaper to make.

And this is a trend on so many channels. Remember why TLC is called TLC? Because it's supposed to be The Learning Channel, but now it's all reality as well. And of course we all know MTV stopped being about music a long time ago.

It's no wonder that so many people are canceling cable and going with Netflix and Hulu and Amazon, considering almost everything on broadcast TV is all the same, just an empty vortex of blackness that's wasting our lives and benefiting from our mindlessness.


It's not 1995-- it's 2015, and if you're going to be cancelled in any time period, this is the one. There are so many options for where Hindsight can find a new home--on the internet--regardless of whether or not network TV sees dollar signs in their eyes. My fear is that VH1 has the rights and won't let the show be taken over by someone else, an "I don't want you, but no one else is allowed to date you" type of thing. I hope I'm wrong. It's seems the least they could do is let the show find a new home after renewing it and then changing their minds. Why would anyone ever want to work with VH1 again otherwise?

The other good news is that it's okay if finding a new home takes a while. Today, "finished" shows are able to come back years later as long as there's fans-- like The Comeback, as a matter of fact. Is it right that the show was off the air for ten years? Where did I hear that? It can't be right. I'm not that old. And also Arrested Development, anyone?

So, I'm optimistic. We'll see where all this lands. But if it never get picks up, I really hope creator Emily Fox does what she joked about on Twitter, because I have to know what happens next.

All I know is that I now have no reason to watch VH1 today, tomorrow, or anytime soon, and that maybe it's time to change that cable plan.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Brigette Finally Watches Season 4 of Girls

After months of waiting to watch Girls when Netflix released it on DVD, this genius remembered she could download all the episodes on iTunes. So I binge-watched season 4, and I've got stuff to say. Should I even bother writing this since the season ended so long ago? Well, like my grandmother once said to my mom, "You're always busy doing something, but it's always the wrong thing." I am my mother's daughter, so here we go!

First off, I gotta get something off my chest. I've heard rumblings, starting in season 3, that Girls isn't what it used to be, that people are kinda disappointed. I agree that Girls isn't what it used to be-- it's better. I am about 85-90% comfortable saying that Girls never relied on shock value to draw in the majority of their viewers, that there was always content. But I've noticed that the less vulgar it's gotten, the funnier it's gotten, the more poignant it's gotten, and the richer it's gotten. Maybe that's just because there's been so much character development over time, and that's why the 3rd and 4th season of any show is usually its sweet spot. Maybe it's because all the characters have grown and are in different places, and seeing that kind of movement keeps things fresh. I don't know, but I say seasons 3 & 4 of Girls trumps seasons 1 & 2, and I stand by that.

Now, on to my impression of the season...

1) Adam is the voice of reason in season 4. I can't believe I even typed that, considering he started off as the creepiest character on the show, and I actively hated him. But he's grown over the years, thanks much to his rocky relationship with Hannah. In season 4, Adam was the one who kept saying what I was thinking, like "you're all nuts," "why are you talking about this," stuff like that.

This does NOT mean that Adam is off the hook for his other behaviors. It's bad enough to get a new girlfriend before officially ending things with your old girlfriend, but to move ALL her stuff out of HER apartment and put it in storage, then knock down a wall in, again, HER apartment?!? That was unforgivable. And it's not like Hannah was moving to China for two years. Grad school has this thing called "breaks": fall break, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break, summer break. Did he really think she would NEVER come back for one of those???

As sad as it was by the end of the season when Adam realized his mistake, I was on Hannah's side when she said "no." That would just be way too hard to come back from. I'm totally cool with the fact that six months later, Hannah is with Ben the Soldier Fran. We'll see where it goes.

2) Jessa. I get why she was a bitch to Hannah before she left and why she set up Adam with Mimi-Rose and even why she was terrible to Hannah when she came back. (I thought Hannah was going to punch her in the face during that scene in her room-- I wish she had.) Jessa felt completely abandoned by Hannah, so she was being completely heartless in return. The fact that after their fight they still hung out and never talked about it makes sense too. These girls have been through so much together by now that to hash out anything further probably felt too exhausting. They know each other, accept each other, and are too self-absorbed to really sit and listen to the others' feelings anyway. Is this healthy? Of course not. Is this going to lead anywhere good? No. I expect an explosion in season 5. Like, Jessa and Adam becoming friends…am I the only one who thinks something may happen between them? And then KABLAM.

3) Hannah at Iowa. I loved this stuff. There truly is nothing more horrifying than that first night of sleeping after moving to some random part of the country and not knowing ANYONE. It's awful enough if you're not needy, and let us not forget, Hannah is a very codependent person. Suddenly the girl who always needed to share a bed with someone is in a huge bed in a huge house by herself (unless you count the bat). This wasn't going to end well.

I also loved all the workshop stuff. (I think anyone who's ever been through a workshop would.) Hannah's inability to take any criticism was cringingly awful/wonderful. When she slams her classmates at the bar and says she just wants their relationship to be "honest," we see why she's friends with Jessa, Marnie, and Soshanna-- because they can fight like that. They can be really mean to each other and still be friends. Maybe that's because no one else will be friends with them-- the group stays together because they're all equally awful. How can Hannah function in an environment where her delusions are not being validated? How can she function if she's forced to interact with people who are  different from her? It makes sense that she left. I do wonder though if Elijah had never shown up if she would have stayed-- he really helped her regress.

4) Maude Apatow as Cleo. This girl's a real actress now, you guys, not just Judd's kid that he puts in movies. She also favorited a tweet Stacie sent of her dog, so let's just all root for Maude.

5) Marnie. Her relationship with Desi is such a horrible train wreck, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. She went from having insight about the relationship to being delusional to having insight to being delusional, and he's the worst, and I'm looking forward to seeing how ridiculous this engagement business goes. I always remember when Lena Dunham said that Marnie was like the Michael Scott of the group, and that was never more apparent than when she 1) told Ray, of all people, that she and Desi were engaged, and then 2) turned Ray's election victory into her own engagement party.

Speaking of which, you know what struck me about Ray's speech? It obviously wasn't about community building-- he was looking at Marnie the entire time-- but everything he said actually fit more with him and Shoshanna. Hmmm.

6) I usually hate parental story lines, but Hannah's dad realizing he was gay actually really worked, and Becky Ann Baker is fabulous, and seeing how Hannah's parents are with each other and with her makes you really, really understand Hannah. It's kind of hard to blame her for being boundary-less and selfish when you see that she learned it all from them.

7) Was Gabby Hoffman really pregnant? I feel like she had to be. I think I need to google this.

8) I just realized that Laird is Jeremy Jamm.

9) I love how things ended with Shoshanna and Jessa, where one decides to go to Japan and the other decides to be a therapist. We know both ideas are probably going to go terribly. But at that age, you get ideas in your head, and you're all inspired and delusional, and you just do stuff. Maybe I'm just cynical or something, but I thought it was hilarious. Was I not supposed to? Was I supposed to take them both seriously?

10) Speaking of Shoshanna's decision, I get what Hermie was saying about her taking control of her life, and he was right, but at the same time, I kind of can't believe Shoshanna found a guy like Scott, who still likes her even when she's being completely weird. I know his appeal to her wasn't the greatest--that "I'm almost in love with you," and I get that he shot down the "maybe he'll take care of me" option, but is Japan honestly a better option for Soshanna? I mean what the hell is this girl doing? Shoshanna has just gotten crazier and crazier.

I'm very excited to see what will happen next season. If there's one thing you can say about Girls, it's that it doesn't sit still, and there's always more going on than what you're watching on the surface. Each character is a world all by themselves, and each relationship is it's own world too. Even when I can't relate to one of the story lines, I still feel like it resonates with me emotionally, and I've heard the same from others. I'm not quite sure how the writers do that, but it's a rare and wonderful thing.

I'm kind of feeling like the end of Girls-- whenever the end may be-- will not be like Friends, where everyone is together and happy. All the relationships are so toxic that I feel like the characters will continue to grow further apart from each other until they're just…apart. And yet, I want to keep watching. This show doesn't make me afraid of directions like that. Because it's so damn good.

So what do you guys think? Can you even remember season 4 since it aired so long ago? Did you like or dislike the season overall? Did you love or loathe any particular story lines? Any predictions for season 5? Lemme know!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Stacie watches PLL Part 2

I think I have an obsession with this show.  I probably shouldn't have started watching it in the first place because we all know how I am with shows, once I start to like it, it becomes an addiction.  I am finally caught up which is apparently what happens when you watch 5.5 seasons in a few weeks.  It has become my favorite show (with Castle as a close second) and it very much intrigues me on so many levels. As I stated in a previous post, I like it because it combines so much of my favorite genres in one show.  It is so multi-layered and full of suspense and intrigue.  Now that I am all caught is my part 2 of Pretty Little Liars (PLL) thoughts....

I said in the previous post that my favorite was Spencer, but I am currently thinking that Hanna is my favorite.  She is my favorite for a few reasons, but mostly because she has proved to be such a strong character.  She knows what she wants, she is sarcastic, and even if she doesn't know something, she can overcome it with humor.

I love that Marlene King (Writer/Director/the "boss") really did something with season 6 that I don't see very often (especially an ABC family show) when she made it so that the characters are still recovering from PTSD this late in the season.  Normally, a show will focus on trauma for an episode or 2 and then leave it behind, but since the "Dollhouse" these girls are still reeling from the trauma they endured.  Emily is still going through therapy, Spencer gets high in order to sleep, and they are all still scared all the time.  It is almost episode 9 and they are still dealing with the repercussions of everything that happened to them.

This whole Charles thing is very intriguing to me, and after reading a million theories online, it is hard to tell which is true.  Marlene King has promised things in the past, that did not come to fruition, so people are very hesitant to trust her when she says that we will find out all the answers on August 11th.  Why does the Charles thing intrigue me?  I think it is fascinating that we don't know the whole story, but we are left thinking that he is this horrible person and that he is completely insane.  We think he is the infamous "A" who the liars have been searching for, but I am not convinced that he is Uber A, in fact I think someone else is pulling the strings to make him seem like the ultimate villain.

I am with others on social media when I say that I don't understand why they are throwing in new characters so late in the game.  Clark, Rhys (Reece), Nichole, and Sarah are all characters that may end up being red herrings for the actual "A" or be working for him/her without knowing it.  Yes, Rhys looks a lot like Jason and he sure could be a Dilaurtenis, but I don't see it playing out.

I along with most of the PLL universe am not a fan of Sarah Harvey.  I get a bad vibe about her (especially since she doesn't seem to have a chip in her neck like the rest of the girls did) and think that she is super shady.  I feel like Emily is getting too attached and it is going to be her downfall in the future.

I have never been an "Ezria" shipper, but I actually have liked Ezra in the past few episodes.

Here are my feelings about this weeks episode "FrAmed"...

I am glad that the moms now know about Charles/A and are being protective.  I feel that Ella (Holly Marie Combs) was the shining star of this episode.  I have loved her since she played Piper in Charmed and in this episode, she reminded me why.  She is an amazing actress, and her trying to protect Aria and later crying about the whole situation seemed so authentic that it made me tear up.  She even has that chin quiver thing down pat when she is crying and I think that is awesome.

I agree with Hanna that Charles should have to pay for what he has done, but as I previously stated, I'm not convinced that Charles is actually a bad guy.  If I had the information that they did, and he had done that stuff to me, I would be on Hanna's side rather than Alisons.

I loved the Emily/Aria scene about prom. They were actually talking like regular teenagers for a moment and it reminded me of season 1 when things weren't so terrifying all the time.

Let's talk about the Alison thing for a minute...although I like that she is more kind than she was in the past, they are making her seem like a 40 year old woman.  She is wearing clothes that are too mature for her, taking care of Lorenzo (which is oddly sweet) and she stays after he falls asleep to do his laundry.  I just find it weird...maybe she is trying to be normal since her childhood was crappy, but it just seems weird.  Of course she uses Lorenzo's card to get into the police station and gets caught (the old Ali wouldn't have got caught) and when Tanner comes in, she claims she didn't touch anything when she is clearly holding a bag of evidence.  Although I feel bad for how she is feeling regarding Charles, I agree with the things Tanner said to her.

The whole art gallery thing was crazy because Tanner promised they would have full security and still the pictures of them drugged on the tables in the morgue are displayed.  I thought Lucy Hale (Aria) did a fantastic job with her monologue about feeling cold.  It was very refreshing to have an actual monologue about their time in the dollhouse.

We do see redcoat and A in the same scene which is crazy!  We also see them get the tickets out for prom!  In less than 2 weeks, we will come face to face with Charles.  The suspense is killing me and I don't think I have ever wanted to see an episode of a show so badly.  I do however feel like we are going to be somewhat let down with the results because it is so hyped up right now.

Anyway, those are my thoughts.  Sorry that they are jumbled, I just get really excited.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Stacie and Brigette Take the Ultimate TV Challenge!

Challenge: One friend picks a show for the other friend to watch, a show that they have not really seen before. Each has to watch an entire season of the other's choice, and may be assigned a few key episodes from earlier seasons as well. Both have to keep watching until the assignment is over, even if they don't like it. Afterwards, they discuss it. What did they like and dislike? What surprised them? Will they keep watching? Stuff like that.

Brigette usually watches comedies, and Stacie usually watches dramas. We have very different tastes within those genres as well. So, we picked our shows and made visual aids, because we mean business. And because we don't have lives.

Stacie assigns Brigette: Pretty Little Liars, season 3

Brigette assigns Stacie: Parks and Recreation, season 3.

Stay tuned for the THRILLING results!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Brigette's Top TV Laugh Moments

We all have our favorite TV shows that make us regularly LOL, but have you ever stopped and thought about which scenes made you laugh so hard that you couldn't breathe? That your body contorted? That you were crying from laughing and couldn't see the screen or hear the next line? I have, and here they are, in no particular order: my top TV laugh moments!

1) The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air blooper
My earliest TV laugh memory comes from a Fresh Prince special that aired on NBC. I think anyone who's seen this show knows the significance of "Ashley, no!" But the part where Will dances while he cries on his knees was the funniest thing ten-year-old Brigette had ever seen in her short life.

2) Arrested Development, "Prison Break-In"
Tobias is dying from his hair implants, which have grown into a long flowing mane and are literally sucking the life out of him. I died-- of LAUGHTER! (Sorry.)

3) 30 Rock, "Tracy Does Conan"
Tracy goes on an episode of Conan, but he's on weird drugs provided to him by Doctor Spaceman and is off others, so it doesn't go as planned. When I first saw this, the laughter made my back arch in such a way that it was like a demon was being exorcised from my body.

4) Friends, "The One With the Cop"
 I know I don't need to explain this one at all.  PIVOT!

5) Parks and Recreation, "Donna and Joe"
April's outburst at Genuwine is so weird and mean and surprisingly animated that my sister and I rewound and watched it about 12 times*. (*Like, 3.)

6) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "Who Pooped the Bed?" 
Nothing has ever made me laugh as hard or as consistently as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I've already discussed it to an unhealthy degree here and here so I'm just gonna put this clip right here.

7) SNL, "Stefon"
 I'm breaking my single scene rule, but any and every Stefon skit ever on SNL, especially this moment.

Now I want to hear from YOU! What TV laughter experiences really stand out in your brain? Did anything ever make you laugh so hard that you choked on your dinner or woke up your dog? Let me know, and then stay tuned for Stacie's picks, as well as both of our picks for "top cry" moments!

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Summer of "A" Stacie binge watches Pretty Little Liars Part #1

Quiz: Which Pretty Little Liar Are You? • The first time I took this quiz, I got Aria! She's my realistic personality. But the 2nd time, I answered with what my heart's true desire is, ......I'm - A!!! I don't question the results at all!

So...I am binge watching Pretty Little Liars (PLL) on Netflix and when I say binge I mean it!  I am halfway through season 3 and I started a week ago.  I don't have to work tomorrow and I was planning on pretty much watching it all day...I might end up watching it all night.  I am crazy and obsessed, but I CAN'T stop watching.  Why do I like this show?  A show that took me forever to start because when I tried watching it a long time ago, I only got through 5 minutes and thought it was boring.  Why did I only watch 5 minutes??  As all of you know, once I start a show I like, that is all that I talk about, but this is different....All day, I have thought about the fact that I couldn't wait to get home and watch PLL.

Now that it is summer, I have the opportunity to watch Netflix and Hulu and I am taking full advantage of it.  All this to say, here are my thoughts on PPL thus far...

-I did not realize that this was going to be a show shrouded by mystery! I love mysteries! This is a crazy mystery that I cannot figure out (unless I catch spoilers on Tumblr) and it is driving me insane!!!  Who is A?  I can usually figure out these things (in fact that people get annoyed that I figure them out).  Every episode puts me on edge and most of the time scares the crap out of me!

-When you watch a show like this, you don't know who to trust...could it be Jenna? Ezra? Wren? or maybe it's Aria, there is so much talk on social media about it being her and many reasons why.  The reasons it could be her are actually quite convincing, but I don't want it to be her...I don't want it to be any of the liars!

-Who are my favorite characters?  I think Spencer is my favorite with Emily coming in a close second.  Just a little fun fact, Spencer is played by Troian Bellisario who just happens to be Donald Bellisario's daughter.  Don't know who he is? He created shows like JAG, Magnum P.I.,  and NCIS.  His step son is Sean Murray who just happens to play a major role on NCIS (and also played Thackery Binx on the much loved movie Hocus Pocus.  Also, Ashley Benson (Hanna) use to be on Days of Our Lives and Holly Marie Combs (Ella) was one of the charmed ones on Charmed.  Chad Lowe (Byron) is Rob Lowe's brother and Hanna's mom Ashley was on Melrose Place.  It is probably a sad fact that I knew the name Bellisario meant she was related to the NCIS guy, that Ashley Benson was on Days, Ashley was on Melrose Place and Holly Marie Combs was on Charmed.  Even if I didn't watch some of those shows, I know the most random things about TV trivia.

-They do a really good job of being really creepy on this show..."A" has such freaky ways of getting to the girls..I just watched an episode with a snake!  And the asylum is just crazy (no pun intended) makes me cringe!

-Can I say again how much I think and analyze so much during each episode that is makes my head hurt!

-I love Caleb! Not only is he extremely attractive, I love how he acts with Hanna.

-I love the music!!

-It reminds me of a mix between Veronica Mars and One Tree Hill (which are 2 more of my favorites). The selection of music is very reminiscent of One Tree Hill.

So, that is all I have for now, but

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Stacie continues season finales...

As I was saying in my last post, I like a good cliffhanger at the end of a season.  I feel like this round of finales left me mostly irritated with shows I normally love.  The only 2 finales I felt were worth anything as this week comes to a close were The Mysteries of Laura and Modern Family.   You would think with the slew of dramas I watch, that Modern Family would not be a contender in the best season finale list, but it is indeed.  So...without further are my thoughts...

I was unsure how I would feel about the Mysteries of Laura as premier week approached, but I was instantly hooked.  Debra Messing is amazing and portrays Laura Diamond fabulously.  I enjoyed the finale because they actually had a cliffhanger! After pouring out his heart to Laura about being sorry about the affair he had and wanting to get back together, he does not remember it a few minutes later because he has some weird form of amnesia after his accident.  Although I thought it was a little too close to the Castle finale when Beckett gets shot, I liked that it leaves the audience guessing.

Modern Family was my season finale win because not only was it hilarious (as usual), it was full of surprises.  I actually watched it a second time with my parents because I thought it was hysterical.  First, the robot thing with Phil was done so well it made the episode that much better.  Cam's braces were awesome and I think the writers made him have so many "s" words for comedic effect.  The end of the show was a cliffhanger (I'm not going to tell:)) and was brilliant!

Chicago PD, although brilliantly done with Sophia Bush playing the grieving detective who reverts back to her old ways with drug addiction, I felt that the finale lacked a little depth and fluidity.  This made me somewhat sad since I really feel the show is well done.

So there are a few of my finale thoughts...can't wait until fall!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Stacie watches season/series finales :Castle, Forever, Criminal Minds

First, finale week is one of my least favorites of the year (I know you are probably thinking about how sad that is) for a few reasons.  The first reason is that it occurs during the spring when my allergies are so bad that I physically feel awful 95% of the time.  Another reason I hate finales, is that they are the final episode of a season and sometimes an entire series.  Sometimes, the audience is left with a dramatic cliffhanger, and we anxiously await fall premiers to see the conclusion, while in other instances things are wrapped up like a tight little present and we don't know how to react.  While most seasons are coming to an end, there are also the series that end that leave us (or maybe just me spinning).  At the end of the day, seasons end as they always do,  repeats fill our screens for the next 3 months and premier week arrives to leave us as participants in an ever present cycle.  Since I have a small obsession with all things television related, I tend to have strong feelings about the end of seasons...a time when everything changes.

The first finale I am going to talk about today is that of my favorite show "Castle".  I have to admit, I was a little (ok, a lot) disappointed by the season finale of this show.  Why was I disappointed?  For me, good TV ends with a cliffhanger.  As much as I hate the anticipation to know the conclusion of the cliffhanger, I like it to be suspenseful.  I feel like the writers of "Castle" put a lot of drama into February sweeps and the couple weeks after, and did not take into account the ending of the season.  It ended too happily for much so that I panicked and thought it might be ending.  Don't get me wrong, I like when things come together, but they should have done the Tyson and Neiman stuff on last nights episode.

Last week, as I watched the finale of "Forever", I thought for sure it would be coming back.  I loved that show!  I thought it was very well written and witty, but apparently ABC did not.  It of course did not get renewed and that fact makes me very sad.

We then have shows like "Secrets and Lies" and "NCIS" that end dramatically and enable to audience to anxiously await the fall season.  The finale of "Criminal Minds" was what I would call a mix of happy and sad.  I was happy that they ended everything and wrapped things up how they did, and definitely psyched that JJ is going to be a mom again, but I was frustrated at the fact that Jennifer Love Hewitt's character Kate is leaving.  I actually really liked her character this season and felt she added something to the show that has been missing for awhile.  What brunette female will claim a spot in the BAU next season?

Thankfully, shows are filled with beginnings and middles and it is through those that we learn the stories of characters, and how they relate in comparison to other characters.  We may laugh, cry, or yell while watching a show, but it usually teaches us something specific that we can use throughout our lives.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Brigette Re-Watches Seasons 6-10 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Recently, I've finished re-watching all ten seasons of Sunny, and I'm a little surprised at how I feel. I've always loved the show, but I always felt it was sort of hit or miss. Some episodes were hilarious, and others were just meh. Well, I was wrong. Almost all are great, okay? In ten years, there's maybe, like, four episodes that I don't really like, and many of those even have their moments. (Dennis's compliment to Mac in "The Gang Dines Out": "Your hair looks small.") I also have a newfound respect for the way stories are scaffolded, referencing previous story lines and picking up right where a reoccurring character left off. A lot of thought doesn't go into some episodes, but all episodes. This is clear to me now.

Seasons 6-10 specifically is when risk-taking, in my opinion, is most apparent. While the show used to be about pushing the boundaries of what a normal sitcom could look like, in the second half of the series, they're pushing the boundaries that they made for themselves, playing with how the show can feel new, but also feel the same. I've got thoughts on this-- especially relating to the Chardee of it all (OMG I have so much to say, it's like, ridiculous)-- but first, here are my selects for the best of seasons 6-10:

Season 6 winner: episode 3, "The Gang Buys a Boat"

This episode provides two very iconic moments: First, "the implication." Dennis gets funnier as he gets more sociopathic, and he really lets it fly with this scenario. Usually, the gang goes along with crazy stuff the others say, so Mac's disturbed response makes it all the more funny. The second iconic moment is Inflatable Guy dancing with Dee. Anyone who watches Sunny can't drive by one of those inflatables without remembering this scene and laughing. I do every time, and I know you do too. Other greatness includes the "Diddy Boat" concept, Charlie fishing out the creepy dolls from the water, and the Steve Windwood reference. (Dennis & Dee's love of Steve Windwood is one of my favorite running gags. Don't ask why.)

Season 6 runner up: episode 7, "Who Got Dee Pregnant?"

Season 7 winner: episode 7, "CharDee MacDennis: The Game of Games"

Season 7 has a very special place in my heart because I love Fat Mac so dearly. There's also a lot of dancing, and a lot of Fat Mac dancing, so I just want to say that.

"Chardee MacDennis" takes the win for season 7. The subjective questions (what is the greatest band of all time? Chumbawamba) and bizarre rules makes it a classic (like when Frank eats cake ingredients to get released from a cage). The whole episode takes place in the bar, so it's one of those where they're all interacting in a small space, which usually produces gold (see season 5's "The Gang Hits the Road"). Not only is there great character stuff here, but the world of their inner circle gets fleshed out even more. Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate? You guys, someone actually wrote down all the rules, which is why I love the internet. We can all play it ourselves!

Season 7 runner up: episode 2, "The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore" (That "Vacation" montage seriously rivals season 2's "You're the Best Around" for best Sunny montage ever.)

Season 8 Winner: episode 8, "Charlie Rules the World"

The Gang's reality rapidly changes as their whole lives get taken over by a computer game, and Dennis begins to question what reality even is. Frank argues it's a turtle's dream in space. This is one of those episodes where everything just holds itself together so nicely and is so funny. ("If Charlie ever rules the world, I'll blow myself.") The everyday life of the characters is completely altered, and you're not really sure how things will normalize themselves.  This is also one of the first episodes that I would classify as experimental, mostly thanks to Dennis's experience in the soundproof chamber where he actually does blow himself. Greatness from this episode includes Charlie & Dee's "marriage," Dennis's bad British accent, and Frank's avatar where he's a big-breasted lady. Sometimes things just sorta end.

Season 8 runner up: episode 4, "Charlie & Dee Find Love"

Season 9 Winner: I love season 9 so much, this is like asking who do you love more, your mom or your dad or your siblings? This season was not only the most experimental, but it had the best DVD menu sequence. The whole thing was just ART, okay?  So I'm cheating & saying it's a tie:

Episode 1: "The Gang Broke Dee"
Episode 3: "The Gang Desperately Tries to Win an Award"
Episode 7: "The Gang Gets Quarantined"

Obviously, the meta winks, observations on the television climate, and Charlie's songs in "Award" make it one of the most smart and entertaining episodes they've ever done. "Quarantined" brings back Boyz II Men harmonizing, and everything Glenn does is brilliant. Like, every single line of his, I'm crying.

I think "The Gang Broke Dee" has a slight edge though because of the journey. So much happens. Dee goes from despondent and practically dead to arrogant and "thriving." We learn that although Dennis makes fun of Dee constantly, if she left him, he would lose his mind. (Was that sweet? Creepy? Both?) I think the stand-up Dee does is genuinely hilarious. And the first time I watched this episode, I was like, "what is happening?" I honestly had no idea how it was going to end. Plus, there's great montages. And Kaitlin Olson is the funniest woman on the planet.

Okay, one thing does confuse me about the end though. I get that the guys thought they were "giving Dee perspective" while having fun themselves, but how were they sure she wouldn't just murder them all? And why did Dee continue to hang out with them after that? I can honestly say that I've never been offended by anything on Sunny, but the constant abuse of Dee does actually upset sometimes. But this is already freakishly long, so that's all I'll say about that for now.

Season 9 runner up: episode 6, "The Gang Saves the Day"
Second runner up: episode 5, "Mac Day"

Season 10 winner: episode 4, "Charlie Work"
Season 10 runner up: episode 6, "The Gang Misses the Boat"

I'm cheating again. "Charlie Work" was brilliant, creatively and as a character piece, and I think it was the best episode of season 10, but I'm gonna focus on the runner up, because I think that was the most important episode of the season. And hold on, cus I get really carried away.

I think it was around season three when I secretly began shipping Charlie & Dee. I really wanted Charlie and the Waitress together, but I couldn't help thinking, what if? Charlie & Dee just seem like a team. They're the kids while Mac and Dennis are the mom and dad. (Franks' the family dog, obviously.) They're the ones who are easiest to empathize with, the underdogs of the gang. And as a side note, Kaitlin and Charlie just have amazing chemistry as actors. They're hilarious together.

But none of these reasons are why the Charlie & Dee hook-up make me so jazzed. It's not the fact that it happened, but how it happened that's keeping the wheels spinning in my brain: I mean, why was it so SWEET???

Sunny is not a sweet show. Sunny is not a show where characters connect emotionally. I guess there's been stuff with Dennis and Mac's friendship, but it's always been funny. The sweetest (and strangest) moment so far was the surprisingly moving Up sequence in "The Gang Saves the Day," but that was all in Charlie's head. This moment was serious for a second, and it was real. Charlie and Dee were connecting. They didn't hook up because they were drunk or sad, like other television shows would do. This was a sober, conscious act, after enjoying hanging out together and apologizing--in their own way-- for being crappy friends to each other.

This should have felt weird in the world of Sunny, but the weirdest thing was that it didn't. It was more like, "Oh, well yeah, of course." One reviewer said he wanted Charlie & Dee to be a "demented Monica and Chandler." The guy on Afterbuzz said it was like "Jim and Pam." I wouldn't go that far, but I get what he means. So this wasn't just in my head for once-- others thought it worked and had warm fuzzies, which means RCG were going about this in a very specific way. BUT WHY?

I really want to know about the conversations in the writers' room during all of this. Charlie and the Waitress is arguably the "emotional center" of the show-- Charlie has wanted this for ten years, so we want it for him. But for a second, he wants something else, and it's something that might be better for him. Not to mention, this "something else" is Dee, so we've got a relationship dynamic shift amongst two of the five core. How could this permanently shift things in the entire group? Could it possibly change the whole flavor of the show-- in a bad way? Do you see how the Chardee kiss was the biggest risk they've ever taken? Not the stuff about abortion, or jihad, or disabilities, but that moment of connection between those two characters.

I don't know about you guys, but after ten years of rooting for Charlie and The Waitress, I'm conflicted. By the end of season 8's "Charlie and Dee Find Love," Charlie had made the Waitress dependent on him, but he still hadn't made her like him. He gets closer to the Waitress the more he brings her down. I always thought that was the only way he could ever get her-- the Waitress would completely devolve to even consider Charlie-- and I'd be perfectly happy watching that happen. But now, we have this moment where feelings are mutual. Dee liked Charlie, and he was making her feel good about herself--he was lifting her up. None of the characters have ever lifted Dee up before, have they? (Let's ignore the fact that Dee and Charlie actually would have bombed at open mic night). I'm not sure if the Waitress would ever say to Charlie, "You're calming me down" or "We make a pretty good team." So how is this supposed to change our perspective on the Waitress stuff??? What do RCG want us to feel?! I reject that they haven't given it that much thought. I reject it!

Some think the scene was just to show that Charlie and Dee could have a healthy relationship without the gang, and that's it, like it was supposed to be funny-tragic. But the way this show goes, never bringing up the incident again would be unnatural. Much like Rickety Cricket's priesthood turned to homelessness turned to half-burnt face, nothing is truly stagnant. The show does "reset" itself, but never completely. If it did, there wouldn't be a show. Mac slowly became gay (and in love with Dennis). Dennis gradually became more and more sociopathic. Frank definitely devolved into an animal. Things do change on this show. Past story lines and characters are constantly brought up. Nothing ever dies. And this new element to Charlie & Dee's relationship is just way too big and way too fun to stay buried.

Sunny has been renewed through season 12, and they've said before that they'll make it as long as people want to watch, so what if it goes for 20 years? Lots of peaks and valleys could be covered during that time, and with this twist, they cracked open their own box even more. I'm not saying that the Charlie & Dee moment was tear-jerking and now they're in love (clearly, the whole thing freaked them out). But there is potential now for more emotional stuff to happen, and I really, really want to see how they would do it, mostly because I can't predict how they would do it. Sunny is demented and cartoony-strange, and I have no idea how "love" between two of the main characters would look. I want to see something I haven't seen before, something only they could write. I also like that now I'm emotionally conflicted about a love triangle on this show, of all shows. I like being surprised like that.

So, keep this Chardee thing going, please. Keep experimenting and doing weird stuff, please. Keep pushing the walls of your own box, please. And can we have a dream sequence, please? I feel like this is a prayer. I'm aware that none of the writers are reading this blog. But if Sunny can stay strange and dark while continuing to surprise us, if it can allow us to feel a little more as humanity is drawn out of these psychotic characters, then Rob and Charlie and Glenn will win at television. It will be no easy feat, but I have faith! (?)

I'm ready for season 11!