Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Brigette Watches the Series Finale of Parks & Rec

Usually, series finales are really sad. I wake up the next day with a kind of end-of-show hangover, thinking about how not enough happened, how I didn't like what did happen, how characters said goodbye to each other or didn't end up where I wanted them to. Finales are almost always disappointing, and even if the story line doesn't make me mad, I don't find myself wanting to watch the episode ever again. Not so with Parks & Rec. This series finale was happy, surprising, entertaining, and extremely satisfying. I woke up this morning feeling optimistic about everything in life. I wanted to wear pink. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a series finale do a better job, ever.

The series finale of Parks showed us multiple flash forwards and flashbacks from the flash forwards, revealing some pivotal moments that happen to our friends throughout their lives. Most importantly, we see that they are all still friends. Other shows would have ended in 2017 with everyone splitting up, but we get the privilege of seeing that there is an "after" from that "last" moment of them together at the park. It's not their last moment together at all. And some of the best parts of their lives haven't even happened yet.


APRIL AND ANDY ARE PARENTS. I just really really really wanted Andy and April to have kids. And I really really
really wanted to see a weird birth scene with April, which I didn't think I was ever going to get. But there she was, face painted like a...a…cat zombie? What was she supposed to be?  And her soothing birth music, "Monster Mash" played in the background. How fitting was it that little Jack was born on Halloween? I wonder if that long ass name Andy gave is his official name? I hope to God that it is. If I can't get my haunted house moment with the Dwyers,* I got the kids, and I guess that's something, right? I also like that we know April gets pregnant again. In my mind, they had fifteen children. (I'm glad there wasn't a flash forward to squash that possibility.)

TOM'S BOOK. There is something poetic and beautiful as to how Tom's story went. That may sound too dramatic, but I'm standing by it. Throughout the whole series, Tom is obsessed with success and money, and he keeps failing, and when he embraces his failure, channels it and uses it, he becomes the most successful he's ever been. It's the perfect way to end his story, and it's possible there's a lesson in there for all of us. Also, how cute was it that he put all his friends in Failure: An American Success Story? Aww.

LESLIE IS GOVERNOR OF INDIANA. FOR TWO TERMS. Thanks in part to Ben's selfless love for her when he chooses not to run. Not only is this obviously wonderful because she totally deserves it and it was her dream since she was five (makes the recall stuff look like small potatoes, eh?) but most importantly, Leslie's back home where she belongs…at least for a long time…until she maybe becomes president? This was unclear, and I'm fine with that.

GARRY'S LIFE. Do I need to explain why? The most hated by everyone at the Parks Department becomes so beloved by his town that they write in to have him stay and elect him over and over!   Also, his wife, Christie Brinkly, never ages, and he lives to be a hundred. Such a funny and sweet end to Jerry Terry Larry Barry Garry. (Fart attack. Never forget.)


CRAIG AND TYPHOON. Craig's "I dunno" attitude while getting married. The fact that Ron was Typhoon's best man. That weird submarine plane they were traveling in at the end as old men. Come on.

JEAN RALPHIO FAKING HIS DEATH. Jean Ralphio is one of the only characters in history who simultaneously repulses me and makes me laugh every single time he speaks. Same goes for Mona-Lisa, who was helping him in the scheme. Glad I got to see them be gross one last time.


- The drop in line that April and Donna took a trip to Venezuela together.
- The return of Chris and Ann and the fact that Ann & Leslie's kids probably fall in love. Chris and Ann would have been in my "things I loved," but it was WAY too short for me. I feel like Ann & Chris deserved a series of flash forwards too since they were a huge part of the show for so long.
- Donna still treats herself even though she does nonprofit work.
- Tom made a documentary about his own failure in that British accent. Okay, maybe that one should have gone in the "things I loved" category.


- The first half was definitely stronger. I feel like the pace slowed a little in the second, but not enough to severely irritate or disappoint me.

- I didn't love that April and Andy made the choice to move to Washington, but after seeing the series of flash forwards, I feel like it doesn't really matter. (Although I still think it's weird that April made the decision with Leslie instead of with Andy, her husband.) So, I was going to complain about that weeks ago, but now I'm not. (Except the house*)

- Aziz, where you at? He was missing for like three episodes, and honestly, I felt like aside from the finale, he was missing throughout the entire season. His dialogue seemed consistently rushed, like he was just trying to get through all his lines and move on. Am I making this up? I totally felt like Aziz just wasn't there. Tom is one of my favorite characters and usually makes me laugh the hardest, and I even went to gross Detroit to see Aziz do stand up last month, so I'm not hatin.' Just observin.'

- The Johnny Karate episode was everything I needed in life and I wish that were a real show to the depths of my soul.

*Okay. Time for the one thing that does make me furious about this final season….


How could you write this in and then not do anything with it how how how could you do this how could you do this how there's no much potential right in front of you so many story lines and you did nothing with it how how could you why did you even do it in the first place if you were never going to do anything with it how could you how how could you do this to me!?!?!?!?


1) The last eight episodes of Dexter. (Scroll down through this entry if you want to hear a rant.)
2) Breaking up George and Izzy on Grey's. And how they did it. (I actually stopped watching when the writers back-tracked that whole storyline. I never just stop watching something.)
3) Never a story line about Andy and April's haunted house on Parks.
4) Never knowing why Libby was in Hurly's mental institution on Lost.
5) The storyline where we learn that Monica wanted to hook up with Joey instead of Chandler at Ross's wedding. I pretend like this episode didn't even happen. (Although it did give us the best Friends blooper of all time.)

(EDIT: OMG how could I have forgotten Kevin and Winnie not ending up together?! I was depressed about that for like two years. That takes #2.)

So anyway, number three, right? That's high, so I will not quickly forgive. And the fact that Andy and April MOVE is like, we can't even imagine that they had a life there. Their new house in Washington is so NORMAL. I guess since they are at Leslie's honorary doctorate thing we can decide that they moved back to Pawnee when she became governor and rebought their house, right? I'm sure no one else wanted it on account of the fact that it's haunted. I really need to let this go.

Moving on. The saddest part of the finale for me, the one that made me well up, was actually that moment with the cast during the ending credits where we hear "that's a wrap on Parks" and they all fall into a group hug. Ugh. PAIN.

But let's look on the bright side, guys. One day very soon, the entire box set will be released, and then at least we'll have new extras, and we can watch the show in a loop, constantly. Constantly.

So, what did you guys think? Did you love the finale as much as I did? Was there anything you wanted to see and didn't get, or anything about the flash forwards that rubbed you the wrong way? Were you irritated or surprised that the mockumentary format was never addressed? (I'm not.) What did you think of the season in general? What will become of us now that this show is over?

(Yes, you can laugh & vomit at the same time.)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Stacie watches "The Bachelor" (I never expected to post about this!)

I made a vow to myself to not blog about reality tv, but I am breaking it for a bit tonight...

I accidentally started watching"The Bachelor" when my mom was watching a few weeks ago, and decided to continue to watch because it's something we can talk about (we have very few similar tv shows in common).  After watching an episode I was dumbfounded that these girls would leave everything in order to compete to fall in love with a guy.  As I have continued to watch, it has become quite apparent to me that most of the time it is all about the drama (admit it, that's what sucks us in).  The fact that these girls leave everything for a few months to win a guys heart seems alien to me, but what seems worse is the fact that he is seriously "in love" with 4 of them at a time.

All this being said, I still watch because it intrigues me how people's minds work and how they do things.  I am a Christian, so I definitely do not agree with a lot of the choices that are made, but having a degree in social work has allowed me to see things differently, and look at some of the reasons people make the choices they do.  So, here are my thoughts . There will probably be people who disagree and that is totally fine.  I ask that if you disagree with my thoughts, that you act with kindness

There were 3 girls left tonight that are falling in love with Chris.
Each girl has talked to Chris at length about how they feel about him and most are willing to leave their jobs (some promising careers) for love.

I need to stop right here and say that I believe it is possible to fall in love with someone in a few months, so I am not knocking that in anyway at all.

I also feel that these 3 women seem to have their lives together, and know what they want.  So, tonight's episode focused on them having dates that could lead to the "fantasy sweet'.  I'm going to leave my personal opinions about this "Bachelor"ritual to myself, but I was taken aback when Becca finally confessed to him that she was a virgin and was planning to wait for marriage, and that Chris respected her and did not make her embarrassed or feel a sense of shame.  I was also surprised that he chose her over Kaitlyn for that reason.  It made me happy to see that he was such a gentlemen.  I felt bad that Kaitlyn was very blindsided and ended up going home, but I was happy he didn't boot Becca off for being a virgin.

One thing that really impressed me with this show, is that many of the women were well educated and knew what they wanted for their future.  They were also not super young (many in their late 20's), and some even had appropriate expectations.

There were many instances that concerned me regarding some of the girls being emotionally prepared for the experience.  I have always told people that when watching shows like this, "Big Brother", and "Survivor" you need to take into consideration that these people are in close quarters, don't have access the outside world, or their families, so they are most likely homesick and emotionally drauned, which could be the reason for the constant crying and meltdowns.

Anyway, I don't know anyone will find this  remotely interesting, I just was bored and felt like writing about it.

My thoughts on who he will pick is that it will be Whitney, but that's just me

stacie watches "Castle: The Wrong Stuff"

Castles always wanted to go to Mars, and in this episode he gets a change to partake in a simulation when a murder occurs.  Here are my thoughts.
-I love that Alexis is playing laser tag with a guy when they get home.
-when castle first walks on "mars" I cracked up!

The murder victim swears he has,seen thing ...

-I hate when they have a suspect that we all knowledge least likely to be a suspect (Clint Granger) 
-the astronaut lady loves the other chick...didn't see that coming
-they both applied to go to Mars!
-Castle just lets Kate fall when he hears something.
-Castle checks Kate for bite marks to make sure she didn't get impregnated...that killed me
-a knock off mars simulation

"Where ya gonna run? We're on Mars!"-Esposito

So many good one liners in this one!
- I knew they would get trapped!
-It was the whole team that killed him!
-Love that after all the drama at home, when they finally get time go themselves, they go out for dinner because it's too quiet.

All in all, I loved the light hearted episode since the last few have been so intense .  I'm sad that it won't be back until the 16th!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle:Reckoning Part 2"

So now we have Neiman with Kate on the table talking about how being with Tyson has made her life so much better and was like "coming home".  She is telling Kate that she will never turn on him all while she puts these laser green lines on her face in order to perform surgery.  It is creepy in many ways, but the fact that Neiman is so calm and serious is so disturbing to me.  

Neiman then tells Kate that with all the media attention, she will need a new face and she wants that to be Kate's.  She has always been eerily obsessed with Kate and her beauty which is also another freaky thing (Beth you were so right on this part).

In the meantime, Castle puts April in the trunk and goes into the house looking for his wife.  Kate struggles to get free while Neiman calls Tyson and is told to wait for his call.

Now we come to my favorite part....Tyson tells castle that he was setting a trap to lure him to come to the house.  He compares it to putting cheese at the end of a maze.  He talks about the cops chasing their tails in order for him to get Castle to come. He is so full of himself and sure that his plan exceeded anything anyone else could possibly think of.  Castle talks about him and his inadequacy and that Tyson did everything because he needed to prove that he was smarter. 

Here comes my favorite part...castle tells Tyson that he set him up!  He let tyson bring him to the house because it was the only way to find him.  The whole time he had Esposito and Ryan with him and they helped him the whole time.  

Esposito uses his sniper skills and shoots a shocked Tyson...woohoo he's finally gone!
Neiman grabs her scalpel to Kate but when the guys come, they find Neiman on the ground and late holding the bloody medical instrument in her hands.

They then walk through the precinct and Kate gets hugs, while Castle is told he is back on the team!!!!

Altogether, I thought they did an exceptional job of including the drama, horror and thriller aspects in this episode and felt it was a successful way to end the Tyson arc.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Brigette Watches Hindsight, And So Should You

Becca is 43. She's about to enter her second marriage to her childhood friend, Andy, but she's not so sure. He's great, but there's not much passion there, the opposite of her first marriage to Sean, which was a steamy train wreck. On the eve of her wedding, she calls her old friend Lolly--who she had a falling out with years before-- hoping for advice. Everything seems off: her relationships, her job, and her thankless boss. She wishes she could just go back and change something. But what?

Becca passes out and then wakes up... in 1995. She's still friends with Lolly. She hasn't yet married Sean. And she remembers everything-- she knows she's from the future.

Thus begins Hindsight, a new dramedy from VH-1. You may be tempted to hear this premise and write it off as cheesy or silly, but it's pure joy. Here's why:

1) Watching makes you feel like you time travelled yourself. Seriously.

Hindsight is authentically 1995, and they ain't messin' around. Most period pieces don't do the greatest job of capturing the truth of the time. They play the most popular music, not the songs you remember hearing every day driving around town. They over exaggerate one fashion trend-- like permed hair-- but then other fashion trends are tailored to today. Not on Hindsight. Everyone looks how you looked in 1995. Everything sounds how it sounded in 1995. All of the cultural references are 1995. (In the scene where Becca first enters Lolly's apartment, she's watching the OJ Simpson trial.) If you were flipping through channels and didn't know this was a new show, you'd think you were watching a rerun of an old show.  Which brings us to...

2) The Clothes.

You WILL watch Hindsight and recognize clothes that you once owned. You will recognize clothes that you didn't even know you could recognize. (Becca's bras are like my Mom's from the 90's. HOW did I remember that?) The wardrobe is unapologetically authentic, which means it's horrible. Everyone just looks awful, and Becca, being from 2015, knows it. Which brings us to…

3) The Jokes.

So much comedy comes from the fact that Becca is from the future, where things are so, so different. She tells a disbelieving Lolly that Patrick Dempsy gets cute. She accidentally spoils that Monica and Chandler start dating on Friends. She tries to explain to Lolly that you can watch anything at anytime on your phone, to which Lolly picks up the hand held and goes "What? Like on this little screen?" She also knows things that will happen, which gives her an advantage when looking for a new job, like how computers rule everything in the future. She just totally gets Windows '95. Must be a damn GENIUS!

4) The strong female friendship

From the first scene with Becca and Lolly, I believed that they were friends who loved each other. I believed it so much that I'm not convinced they aren't best friends in real life. The chemistry and comrodery is real, and I'm already feeling anxious about the fact that their friendship, as we know, is DOOMED. (Unless Becca can prevent it!!!)

5) Becca-- actress Laura Ramsey-- looks exactly like Christina Applegate

I'm not sure if this is a reason to watch so much as it is something that adds to the 90's vibe. Also, when you watch, you'll be like, "dang, she looks SO much like Christina Applegate" and then you'll start thinking about how much you love everything Christina Applegate has been a part of like Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead and then you'll be like, "I really like this actress."

6) The music

I never really thought that I liked 90's music that much until I watched this show, and now I realize that I do, apparently. Much like the clothes, you'll have flashbacks to moments from your own life when you hear these songs. It will make you crave a Hindsight soundtrack. The choices are superb.

Spacehog's "In the Meantime" is the theme song. Remember it?

7) The mystery

Because the world of 1995 has characters and plots in and of itself, every now and then, you forget that Becca was sent back in time-- WHY? And by whom? A mysterious man keeps popping up (who looks exactly like Lee Thompson Young, RIP.) Becca's pretty much figured out that he's connected (or has she?) but he's not talking. Is he some sort of angel? A guide? What is Becca "supposed" to do differently this time around?

It's that last part that's making me like the show just as much as I do for its nostalgia, because so far, the answer seems to be that there is no "supposed to." We all think that if we went back in time, we know exactly what we would do differently, but Becca is actually less certain than she was originally. She has no clue what she's supposed to do, just that nothing completely works out. Her response to this seems to be that she's taking more risks. This means something…some lesson… that I can't…quite grab at…

I'm not sure where all this is going or what the overall message will be in the end, but I'm excited to find out. I'm diggin' it.

So if you haven't watched Hindsight yet, you should. It will make you miss 1995 when you didn't even know you missed 1995.  If you have started watching it, what do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle:Reckoning" Part 1

So, as I sit here re-watching tonight's episode of "Castle", I realized that even though the show is over, I'm still anxiety ridden.  There are very rare occasions in which I am so shocked, disturbed, surprised and fascinated at the same time.  I have to say that this serial killer pair seriously freaks me out, so much so that like Beth, I wish I would be watched it during the day.  I'm going about this episode a little differently than other and rather than list my likes/dislikes, I'm going to go over it in paragraph form.  In all its craziness, I am reminded of why I love this show.  The writing is spot on, and the actors make it come alive.   Since I am tired, I'm going to have this post spkit into 2 installments with the 2nd one coming out tomorrow irwednesday.So, let's talk about this fast paced, immensely action packed episode that lives up to the name "reckoning"...

We all knew that this episode would be filled with Tyson and Neiman trying to throw them all off balance and off of their trail, while at the same time attempting to lure Castle in for the kill.  Tyson doesn't just want to torture and kill Kate, he wants Castle to watch it.  Why want him watching his wife being brutally murdered?  Aside from the obvious fact that it would torture him, he wants him to feel complete pain.  This is obvious from his torment of Castle from the beginning.  He almost made me believe he was in fact Michael Beaudreaux, and although Castle doesn't believe it, it leads to him being arrested for holding a gun to his head

When I saw Captain Gates and Castle talking, it made me like her even more.  She tells him that Beckett always said that he goes for the story, while she goes for the evidence.

Then he calls from what they think is Castle's house (which is not) and Alexis and,Martha get whisked away somewhere safe.  Ryan tells Castle that it's all his fault for getting tricked by Tyson in the past and I loved that Castle places the blame on Tyson, rather than himself or Ryan.

Then the part that shocked me so much comes when they think (I did too for a split second) that Beckett's been killed (in a horrific fashion).  Thankfully it isn't her (whew), then the shot goes to her on a table gagged.....

And that is sadly where I am going to leave it for tonight....stay tuned for more "Castle" fun;)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle: Resurrection"

Not gonna lie, this episode was perfection!  For approximately a year, viewers have anticipated the return of 3XK or Jerry Tysin, and his literal partner in crime Dr. Kelly Neiman, and we finally fit a taste of that in last week's episide.  Complete with flashbacks from previous episodes, this thtwisted episode did not fail time disappoint.  Here are my thoughts ..

-Love Alexis and Kate's friendship

-can't wait to see if there will ever be a baby in their future after Kate tells castle she's thinking about what it would mean for them

-I love the creepy, sociopathic pair of Tyson and Neiman.  I think it's because they are both so cold and calculating that it makes the entire department ban together to take them down.  I  also like how surprised I've been by storyline plots I never saw coming.

-the "We'll meet again" stuff creeps me out!

-Tyson saying that he was someone else in order to play on their emotions was priceless!

-Love that Castle is on the case!

-the whole changing people's faces makes for such an interesting plot, and although it was not as creepy as it was in "Disciple", it still gives a different edge.

-I feel bad for Castle because he still feels like he could've prevented this by knowing it was Tyson and not Gates from back in the day

-The fact that Tyson goes after people who look like his step mom is creepy as well as the fact that he couldn't killer negativity would be too obvious.

-At the end they figure out that the man who called the murder in was Ed Turner and that in reality it was Tysons way of saying "returned"...this part fascinated me because usually never would've thought if that

-As we end the show, Castle comes to the realization that Kate is in danger.  As he calls to warn her, it goes to voicemail and we hear the creepy sing and Kate gets snatched.  The 12th precinct has to let both Neumann and Tyson go because of lack of evjdence, and as the elevator closes we see neiman on the phone and then both smiling creepily.  This of course makes it a to be continued episode!

I have anxiously awaited tomorrow's episode and hope it is true or castle form with its dramatic plots.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Stacie watches "Greys: All I Could Do Was Cry"

On people saying "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"It's a pat little phrase, and an empty one.  It doesn't begin to cover what's actually happening to them.  It lets us empathizewithout forcing us to feel their devastation ourselves.  It protects us from feeling that pain that dark seeping relentless pain...the kind that can eat you alive, and everyday, I thank God for that."-Kepner

I'm actually loving Jackson's mom right now!

My heart hurts for kepner and Jackson!

"I lit a candle in the chapel, it made me feel better.  You can just give them privacy, that's all they want."-Amelia

Amelia knows because she's been through this before...which makes things even more sad.

"This isn't fair...none of this is fair"-kepner

Ahhh this episode is so sad

Ok lady comes in because her husband shot her only to discourage is having a baby she didn't know about !

I love how they are in the chapel!

"I have spent my life believing in a God who is just."  Kepler starts to not believe in God...she's angry.

Jackson crying in the chapel.  Ugh this episode is killing me!

Poor girl that lost her fiance!

"You lost somebody, and you are hurting, but you will get through this."  You can survive this, you are strong.  It's ok, its going to be ok."-Kepler

"If you can't look for light in the darkest of places, without stopping even when it seems impossible, then you won't succeed." Amelia

Ahhh all the candles were lit!

Altogether a great yet emotional episode!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stacie watches "Scorpion:Love Boat"

Want to know what my favorite new show is this year?  It is definitely "Scorpion".  This show is my fave because it encompasses everything I love...the underdogs, the humor, the awkwardness, the drama...I love it!

Here are my thoughts on the latest episode...

They are on a cruise!  Love the storyline already!

Love the undercover work and the fact that Sylvester and Paige go undercover as a rich couple.  Sylvester is afraid of everything and is a complete germophobe, so or course they would be served frog legs and escargot.

Of course something would happen to make it so that the Scorpion crew has to take over the ship!

Love that Ralph fakes chills because he is sad because someone else gave his friend a Valentine's day card before he did.

The character Paige is one of my faves because she thinks so fast under pressure.  Of course Walter comes to save her!!!

I knew the captain was shady!

Love how Sylvester says "take me" instead of psige and then tries to climb in the vent and then needs help.

Now Walter is being all macho and telling the bad guys to take him over Paige when all of the sudden Sylvester comes out of hiding and despite his fears jumps to save Walter.

Love the ex girlfriend and Walter and her telling him what she could do better. She says "before you get involved in someone else, make sure you can make a real connection or its not fair to her."

Toby and happy doing fireworks for Ralph and the girl he likes and then they hold hands.

I loved the "chicks dig outlaws" part so much!

Love Sylvester and meg!

Altogether I give this episode a 100%

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Stacie watches "Greys Anatomy:The Bed's Too Big Without You"

I'm currently in the midst of watching this weeks episode of "Greys Anatomy", and it is somewhat depressing.  This episode is about being alone.  Being alone can take on many forms from feeling alone even when we are around people to feeling alone when we are in the middle of a struggle and have nobody to reach out and hold our hand. That being said, here are my thoughts on the episode...

-I feel so bad for poor Kepner...she has her mom telling her not to terminate and ger husband telling her to do it.  She is a Christian and is struggling because age feels alone even though the two people who are suppose to be the most supportive.

-Amelia trying to get everyone to understand the brain tumor surgery and then not getting it is in itself a sense of loneliness until one of the residents begins to understand.

-I LOVED the tumor that they 3D printed in order to understand it...brilliant!

-the girls talking about being lonely without their men and Maggie saying how she is always alone...made me sad.

-"have we used up all our happy?"-Callie I loved this because I know we all feel this what if we had something so good that gave us happiness, maybe we won't get anymore.

-my favorite part of the whole thing is the end when Maggie and Meredith are face timing and talking like sisters are suppose to

Altogether...I loved this episode despite its sadness.

Brigette Watches the First 1/2 of Parks & Rec, S7

Sometimes, when I get really into a TV show, I have this fantasy that I've never seen it before and I can watch it all at once instead of waiting week to week. When I was in high school, I actually day dreamed about being in an accident, going into a coma, waking up when Friends was over, and watching the remaining seasons all at once from my hospital bed. I'm a sick woman. Well, with Parks and Recreation, a version of this fantasy was able to come true.

After several recommendations, I finally started watching Parks and Recreation a few months ago. I binge-watched all six seasons in probably about six weeks. I was actually starting to fear for my sanity, especially one time when I kept hearing Rob Lowe say "Ann Perkins! Ann Perkins!" until I had to run home and turn Parks back on to make the voices stop. But still, I was living the dream. 

It's difficult waiting each week to see a new episode of Parks after watching it in such a way, but it's not been letting me down. While other shows tend to lag and sag in their final days, Parks knows what it's doing and means business. These episodes have been great. We're a little over half-way done (NOOO) and here's the verdict so far: 


-- Andy & April buy a haunted house *
-- Amy Poehler's Megan Mullally impression (Leslie's Tammy impression, whatever)
-- Shia Labeouf designs wedding dresses, and basically all of the 2017 pop culture facts that they've been creating. 

-- Leslie and Ron's falling out & friendship rebuilding:  sad, believable, super sweet and moving.
-- Amy Poehler's hair.
-- Treat Yo Self 2017
-- Gryzzl drones

-- Donna's brother Levondrius and the microwave.
-- Garry Jerry Terry Larry Gary
-- How all the episodes connect, flowing in a way where it almost feels like one continual episode.
-- The lighting and colors. Is that weird? Everyone and everything looks exceptionally gorgeous this season.


-- Nothing


--* I'm truly obsessed with the fact that Andy & April bought a haunted house with no functioning kitchen and a fireman's pole. I want an episode--storyline--or hell, even a SCENE to take place in this house SO BAD that I've actually been frequenting TV, checking the synopsis for upcoming episodes for some mention of this. If the writers seriously never do anything with this damn house I'm gonna throw down. I don't know what that means, but something bad's gonna happen. 

-- Tom's arc. I don't know. I'm feeling like Tom's "getting the girl" plot has been a way too easy. I kinda wanted to see a little more growth/maturity/emotion from Tom where he really has to stretch himself out of that shallowness and be more vulnerable through this storyline, and I'm not really sure if I have yet. But maybe I'm speaking too soon?

-- I love Billy Eichner's Billy on the Street and his Twitter is literally my most favorite thing that exists, but Craig has never worked on this show for me. I know we don't see a ton of Craig, but I could see even less.

-- Is all of this leading to Leslie & Ben leaving Pawnee for Washington? I don't want them to leave. I like that Leslie loves this disgusting little town and thinks it's the greatest place on the planet. That's so endearing. She can't leave it, ever.  Why do they want to hurt me?!


-- I know there's not enough time for a pregnancy arc, but I really want April & Andy to be parents. I feel like they're SUPPOSED to be parents, since they're both such weirdo kids themselves. Oh my god, don't you just want to be one of their children?! Anyway, what if this directionless, meaningless feeling April's been having leads to her decide that she really wants to be a mom? After how alternative & strange April's always been, I think it would be so great if she ends up deciding on this really traditional thing, maybe even morphing into some type of demented Betty Crocker. (I would also accept anything that could lead to a procedural crime drama meets Cheaper by the Dozen spin-off, as Aubrey Plaza & Chris Pratt suggested themselves.)

-- I know Chris & Ann are coming back, but how and when? I fear it won't be until the very end, but I'd love at least two episodes, or even six, which would mean they're allowed to come back next week. Do we predict that Chris and Ann will also end up in Washington for some reason? Yes. Yes, we will go ahead and predict that. That's the only way that Leslie leaving Pawnee will be okay.

-- I feel like Ron & Leslie are going to work together again, and not just on their shared goals like saving JJ's Diner. I'm sensing "job job," but I'm doubting Ron would move to Washington. Hmmm. Probably 100% wrong on this one.

What have you guys been loving so far? Any concerns, hopes, or predictions? What will you do if we never have a haunted house storyline? Who will peel me out of the deep pit of depression I will fall into when the show ends on February 24th?