Monday, February 23, 2015

stacie watches "Castle: The Wrong Stuff"

Castles always wanted to go to Mars, and in this episode he gets a change to partake in a simulation when a murder occurs.  Here are my thoughts.
-I love that Alexis is playing laser tag with a guy when they get home.
-when castle first walks on "mars" I cracked up!

The murder victim swears he has,seen thing ...

-I hate when they have a suspect that we all knowledge least likely to be a suspect (Clint Granger) 
-the astronaut lady loves the other chick...didn't see that coming
-they both applied to go to Mars!
-Castle just lets Kate fall when he hears something.
-Castle checks Kate for bite marks to make sure she didn't get impregnated...that killed me
-a knock off mars simulation

"Where ya gonna run? We're on Mars!"-Esposito

So many good one liners in this one!
- I knew they would get trapped!
-It was the whole team that killed him!
-Love that after all the drama at home, when they finally get time go themselves, they go out for dinner because it's too quiet.

All in all, I loved the light hearted episode since the last few have been so intense .  I'm sad that it won't be back until the 16th!

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