Monday, February 16, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle:Reckoning" Part 1

So, as I sit here re-watching tonight's episode of "Castle", I realized that even though the show is over, I'm still anxiety ridden.  There are very rare occasions in which I am so shocked, disturbed, surprised and fascinated at the same time.  I have to say that this serial killer pair seriously freaks me out, so much so that like Beth, I wish I would be watched it during the day.  I'm going about this episode a little differently than other and rather than list my likes/dislikes, I'm going to go over it in paragraph form.  In all its craziness, I am reminded of why I love this show.  The writing is spot on, and the actors make it come alive.   Since I am tired, I'm going to have this post spkit into 2 installments with the 2nd one coming out tomorrow irwednesday.So, let's talk about this fast paced, immensely action packed episode that lives up to the name "reckoning"...

We all knew that this episode would be filled with Tyson and Neiman trying to throw them all off balance and off of their trail, while at the same time attempting to lure Castle in for the kill.  Tyson doesn't just want to torture and kill Kate, he wants Castle to watch it.  Why want him watching his wife being brutally murdered?  Aside from the obvious fact that it would torture him, he wants him to feel complete pain.  This is obvious from his torment of Castle from the beginning.  He almost made me believe he was in fact Michael Beaudreaux, and although Castle doesn't believe it, it leads to him being arrested for holding a gun to his head

When I saw Captain Gates and Castle talking, it made me like her even more.  She tells him that Beckett always said that he goes for the story, while she goes for the evidence.

Then he calls from what they think is Castle's house (which is not) and Alexis and,Martha get whisked away somewhere safe.  Ryan tells Castle that it's all his fault for getting tricked by Tyson in the past and I loved that Castle places the blame on Tyson, rather than himself or Ryan.

Then the part that shocked me so much comes when they think (I did too for a split second) that Beckett's been killed (in a horrific fashion).  Thankfully it isn't her (whew), then the shot goes to her on a table gagged.....

And that is sadly where I am going to leave it for tonight....stay tuned for more "Castle" fun;)

1 comment:

  1. This was SUCH a good episode (and I'm glad I watched it in daylight hours!). That moment with Castle and the captain was one of my favorite tv moments ever. I can't wait to hear what you think of the rest of the episode! I'm so relieved with how it ended. For a minute, I was worried they'd drag it out into a third episode and I'd have to spend another week worrying about it.
