Sunday, February 15, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle: Resurrection"

Not gonna lie, this episode was perfection!  For approximately a year, viewers have anticipated the return of 3XK or Jerry Tysin, and his literal partner in crime Dr. Kelly Neiman, and we finally fit a taste of that in last week's episide.  Complete with flashbacks from previous episodes, this thtwisted episode did not fail time disappoint.  Here are my thoughts ..

-Love Alexis and Kate's friendship

-can't wait to see if there will ever be a baby in their future after Kate tells castle she's thinking about what it would mean for them

-I love the creepy, sociopathic pair of Tyson and Neiman.  I think it's because they are both so cold and calculating that it makes the entire department ban together to take them down.  I  also like how surprised I've been by storyline plots I never saw coming.

-the "We'll meet again" stuff creeps me out!

-Tyson saying that he was someone else in order to play on their emotions was priceless!

-Love that Castle is on the case!

-the whole changing people's faces makes for such an interesting plot, and although it was not as creepy as it was in "Disciple", it still gives a different edge.

-I feel bad for Castle because he still feels like he could've prevented this by knowing it was Tyson and not Gates from back in the day

-The fact that Tyson goes after people who look like his step mom is creepy as well as the fact that he couldn't killer negativity would be too obvious.

-At the end they figure out that the man who called the murder in was Ed Turner and that in reality it was Tysons way of saying "returned"...this part fascinated me because usually never would've thought if that

-As we end the show, Castle comes to the realization that Kate is in danger.  As he calls to warn her, it goes to voicemail and we hear the creepy sing and Kate gets snatched.  The 12th precinct has to let both Neumann and Tyson go because of lack of evjdence, and as the elevator closes we see neiman on the phone and then both smiling creepily.  This of course makes it a to be continued episode!

I have anxiously awaited tomorrow's episode and hope it is true or castle form with its dramatic plots.


  1. I am so so so so nervous! Kate is going to have something terrible done to her face. I know that doctor is going to cut into her and I can't handle this. I thought this episode was particularly creepy and I hate that doctor--I just want to wipe that smug little look off her face. I'm going to have to wake up early to watch it tomorrow because I can't watch that after dark!

  2. I just started it! I never even thought about the face thing! That would be horrible!

    1. I'm so glad I was wrong! I just knew that with Neiman talking about Kate's perfect features every time she saw her that something bad was going to happen to her face. Whew.
