Monday, February 23, 2015

Stacie watches "The Bachelor" (I never expected to post about this!)

I made a vow to myself to not blog about reality tv, but I am breaking it for a bit tonight...

I accidentally started watching"The Bachelor" when my mom was watching a few weeks ago, and decided to continue to watch because it's something we can talk about (we have very few similar tv shows in common).  After watching an episode I was dumbfounded that these girls would leave everything in order to compete to fall in love with a guy.  As I have continued to watch, it has become quite apparent to me that most of the time it is all about the drama (admit it, that's what sucks us in).  The fact that these girls leave everything for a few months to win a guys heart seems alien to me, but what seems worse is the fact that he is seriously "in love" with 4 of them at a time.

All this being said, I still watch because it intrigues me how people's minds work and how they do things.  I am a Christian, so I definitely do not agree with a lot of the choices that are made, but having a degree in social work has allowed me to see things differently, and look at some of the reasons people make the choices they do.  So, here are my thoughts . There will probably be people who disagree and that is totally fine.  I ask that if you disagree with my thoughts, that you act with kindness

There were 3 girls left tonight that are falling in love with Chris.
Each girl has talked to Chris at length about how they feel about him and most are willing to leave their jobs (some promising careers) for love.

I need to stop right here and say that I believe it is possible to fall in love with someone in a few months, so I am not knocking that in anyway at all.

I also feel that these 3 women seem to have their lives together, and know what they want.  So, tonight's episode focused on them having dates that could lead to the "fantasy sweet'.  I'm going to leave my personal opinions about this "Bachelor"ritual to myself, but I was taken aback when Becca finally confessed to him that she was a virgin and was planning to wait for marriage, and that Chris respected her and did not make her embarrassed or feel a sense of shame.  I was also surprised that he chose her over Kaitlyn for that reason.  It made me happy to see that he was such a gentlemen.  I felt bad that Kaitlyn was very blindsided and ended up going home, but I was happy he didn't boot Becca off for being a virgin.

One thing that really impressed me with this show, is that many of the women were well educated and knew what they wanted for their future.  They were also not super young (many in their late 20's), and some even had appropriate expectations.

There were many instances that concerned me regarding some of the girls being emotionally prepared for the experience.  I have always told people that when watching shows like this, "Big Brother", and "Survivor" you need to take into consideration that these people are in close quarters, don't have access the outside world, or their families, so they are most likely homesick and emotionally drauned, which could be the reason for the constant crying and meltdowns.

Anyway, I don't know anyone will find this  remotely interesting, I just was bored and felt like writing about it.

My thoughts on who he will pick is that it will be Whitney, but that's just me

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