Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Brigette Watches the Series Finale of Parks & Rec

Usually, series finales are really sad. I wake up the next day with a kind of end-of-show hangover, thinking about how not enough happened, how I didn't like what did happen, how characters said goodbye to each other or didn't end up where I wanted them to. Finales are almost always disappointing, and even if the story line doesn't make me mad, I don't find myself wanting to watch the episode ever again. Not so with Parks & Rec. This series finale was happy, surprising, entertaining, and extremely satisfying. I woke up this morning feeling optimistic about everything in life. I wanted to wear pink. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a series finale do a better job, ever.

The series finale of Parks showed us multiple flash forwards and flashbacks from the flash forwards, revealing some pivotal moments that happen to our friends throughout their lives. Most importantly, we see that they are all still friends. Other shows would have ended in 2017 with everyone splitting up, but we get the privilege of seeing that there is an "after" from that "last" moment of them together at the park. It's not their last moment together at all. And some of the best parts of their lives haven't even happened yet.


APRIL AND ANDY ARE PARENTS. I just really really really wanted Andy and April to have kids. And I really really
really wanted to see a weird birth scene with April, which I didn't think I was ever going to get. But there she was, face painted like a...a…cat zombie? What was she supposed to be?  And her soothing birth music, "Monster Mash" played in the background. How fitting was it that little Jack was born on Halloween? I wonder if that long ass name Andy gave is his official name? I hope to God that it is. If I can't get my haunted house moment with the Dwyers,* I got the kids, and I guess that's something, right? I also like that we know April gets pregnant again. In my mind, they had fifteen children. (I'm glad there wasn't a flash forward to squash that possibility.)

TOM'S BOOK. There is something poetic and beautiful as to how Tom's story went. That may sound too dramatic, but I'm standing by it. Throughout the whole series, Tom is obsessed with success and money, and he keeps failing, and when he embraces his failure, channels it and uses it, he becomes the most successful he's ever been. It's the perfect way to end his story, and it's possible there's a lesson in there for all of us. Also, how cute was it that he put all his friends in Failure: An American Success Story? Aww.

LESLIE IS GOVERNOR OF INDIANA. FOR TWO TERMS. Thanks in part to Ben's selfless love for her when he chooses not to run. Not only is this obviously wonderful because she totally deserves it and it was her dream since she was five (makes the recall stuff look like small potatoes, eh?) but most importantly, Leslie's back home where she belongs…at least for a long time…until she maybe becomes president? This was unclear, and I'm fine with that.

GARRY'S LIFE. Do I need to explain why? The most hated by everyone at the Parks Department becomes so beloved by his town that they write in to have him stay and elect him over and over!   Also, his wife, Christie Brinkly, never ages, and he lives to be a hundred. Such a funny and sweet end to Jerry Terry Larry Barry Garry. (Fart attack. Never forget.)


CRAIG AND TYPHOON. Craig's "I dunno" attitude while getting married. The fact that Ron was Typhoon's best man. That weird submarine plane they were traveling in at the end as old men. Come on.

JEAN RALPHIO FAKING HIS DEATH. Jean Ralphio is one of the only characters in history who simultaneously repulses me and makes me laugh every single time he speaks. Same goes for Mona-Lisa, who was helping him in the scheme. Glad I got to see them be gross one last time.


- The drop in line that April and Donna took a trip to Venezuela together.
- The return of Chris and Ann and the fact that Ann & Leslie's kids probably fall in love. Chris and Ann would have been in my "things I loved," but it was WAY too short for me. I feel like Ann & Chris deserved a series of flash forwards too since they were a huge part of the show for so long.
- Donna still treats herself even though she does nonprofit work.
- Tom made a documentary about his own failure in that British accent. Okay, maybe that one should have gone in the "things I loved" category.


- The first half was definitely stronger. I feel like the pace slowed a little in the second, but not enough to severely irritate or disappoint me.

- I didn't love that April and Andy made the choice to move to Washington, but after seeing the series of flash forwards, I feel like it doesn't really matter. (Although I still think it's weird that April made the decision with Leslie instead of with Andy, her husband.) So, I was going to complain about that weeks ago, but now I'm not. (Except the house*)

- Aziz, where you at? He was missing for like three episodes, and honestly, I felt like aside from the finale, he was missing throughout the entire season. His dialogue seemed consistently rushed, like he was just trying to get through all his lines and move on. Am I making this up? I totally felt like Aziz just wasn't there. Tom is one of my favorite characters and usually makes me laugh the hardest, and I even went to gross Detroit to see Aziz do stand up last month, so I'm not hatin.' Just observin.'

- The Johnny Karate episode was everything I needed in life and I wish that were a real show to the depths of my soul.

*Okay. Time for the one thing that does make me furious about this final season….


How could you write this in and then not do anything with it how how how could you do this how could you do this how there's no much potential right in front of you so many story lines and you did nothing with it how how could you why did you even do it in the first place if you were never going to do anything with it how could you how how could you do this to me!?!?!?!?


1) The last eight episodes of Dexter. (Scroll down through this entry if you want to hear a rant.)
2) Breaking up George and Izzy on Grey's. And how they did it. (I actually stopped watching when the writers back-tracked that whole storyline. I never just stop watching something.)
3) Never a story line about Andy and April's haunted house on Parks.
4) Never knowing why Libby was in Hurly's mental institution on Lost.
5) The storyline where we learn that Monica wanted to hook up with Joey instead of Chandler at Ross's wedding. I pretend like this episode didn't even happen. (Although it did give us the best Friends blooper of all time.)

(EDIT: OMG how could I have forgotten Kevin and Winnie not ending up together?! I was depressed about that for like two years. That takes #2.)

So anyway, number three, right? That's high, so I will not quickly forgive. And the fact that Andy and April MOVE is like, we can't even imagine that they had a life there. Their new house in Washington is so NORMAL. I guess since they are at Leslie's honorary doctorate thing we can decide that they moved back to Pawnee when she became governor and rebought their house, right? I'm sure no one else wanted it on account of the fact that it's haunted. I really need to let this go.

Moving on. The saddest part of the finale for me, the one that made me well up, was actually that moment with the cast during the ending credits where we hear "that's a wrap on Parks" and they all fall into a group hug. Ugh. PAIN.

But let's look on the bright side, guys. One day very soon, the entire box set will be released, and then at least we'll have new extras, and we can watch the show in a loop, constantly. Constantly.

So, what did you guys think? Did you love the finale as much as I did? Was there anything you wanted to see and didn't get, or anything about the flash forwards that rubbed you the wrong way? Were you irritated or surprised that the mockumentary format was never addressed? (I'm not.) What did you think of the season in general? What will become of us now that this show is over?

(Yes, you can laugh & vomit at the same time.)

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