Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stacie watches "Scorpion:Love Boat"

Want to know what my favorite new show is this year?  It is definitely "Scorpion".  This show is my fave because it encompasses everything I love...the underdogs, the humor, the awkwardness, the drama...I love it!

Here are my thoughts on the latest episode...

They are on a cruise!  Love the storyline already!

Love the undercover work and the fact that Sylvester and Paige go undercover as a rich couple.  Sylvester is afraid of everything and is a complete germophobe, so or course they would be served frog legs and escargot.

Of course something would happen to make it so that the Scorpion crew has to take over the ship!

Love that Ralph fakes chills because he is sad because someone else gave his friend a Valentine's day card before he did.

The character Paige is one of my faves because she thinks so fast under pressure.  Of course Walter comes to save her!!!

I knew the captain was shady!

Love how Sylvester says "take me" instead of psige and then tries to climb in the vent and then needs help.

Now Walter is being all macho and telling the bad guys to take him over Paige when all of the sudden Sylvester comes out of hiding and despite his fears jumps to save Walter.

Love the ex girlfriend and Walter and her telling him what she could do better. She says "before you get involved in someone else, make sure you can make a real connection or its not fair to her."

Toby and happy doing fireworks for Ralph and the girl he likes and then they hold hands.

I loved the "chicks dig outlaws" part so much!

Love Sylvester and meg!

Altogether I give this episode a 100%

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