Sunday, February 22, 2015

Stacie watches "Castle:Reckoning Part 2"

So now we have Neiman with Kate on the table talking about how being with Tyson has made her life so much better and was like "coming home".  She is telling Kate that she will never turn on him all while she puts these laser green lines on her face in order to perform surgery.  It is creepy in many ways, but the fact that Neiman is so calm and serious is so disturbing to me.  

Neiman then tells Kate that with all the media attention, she will need a new face and she wants that to be Kate's.  She has always been eerily obsessed with Kate and her beauty which is also another freaky thing (Beth you were so right on this part).

In the meantime, Castle puts April in the trunk and goes into the house looking for his wife.  Kate struggles to get free while Neiman calls Tyson and is told to wait for his call.

Now we come to my favorite part....Tyson tells castle that he was setting a trap to lure him to come to the house.  He compares it to putting cheese at the end of a maze.  He talks about the cops chasing their tails in order for him to get Castle to come. He is so full of himself and sure that his plan exceeded anything anyone else could possibly think of.  Castle talks about him and his inadequacy and that Tyson did everything because he needed to prove that he was smarter. 

Here comes my favorite part...castle tells Tyson that he set him up!  He let tyson bring him to the house because it was the only way to find him.  The whole time he had Esposito and Ryan with him and they helped him the whole time.  

Esposito uses his sniper skills and shoots a shocked Tyson...woohoo he's finally gone!
Neiman grabs her scalpel to Kate but when the guys come, they find Neiman on the ground and late holding the bloody medical instrument in her hands.

They then walk through the precinct and Kate gets hugs, while Castle is told he is back on the team!!!!

Altogether, I thought they did an exceptional job of including the drama, horror and thriller aspects in this episode and felt it was a successful way to end the Tyson arc.


  1. I'm so glad the Tyson story ended--those episodes were always just too much for me. I loved that Castle outsmarted him. I kept thinking, "There's no way that he'll be stupid enough to go in there without backup." But then it kept looking like he was and I was so nervous right up until the end!

  2. I know! I'm so glad it's over...Neiman started to really creep me out!
